Changed mind about job!


Totally personal off-topic:

Many of you were kind enough to send me good vibes a few weeks ago when I interviewed for, and eventually received an offer for, a new job at a public defender's office. I did accept the offer, and to say that I got cold feel shortly after my acceptance is the biggest understatement in history. After much gnashing of teeth and sleepless nights, I withdrew my acceptance of the offer, and am happily staying with my current job.

As much of a believer as I am in the rights of defendants in criminal matters, especially protecting the rights of the indigent, I'm where I belong in the criminal justice system.

Thanks to all of you for your positive vibes!

Annette Q. Aquajock
Hey Annette,

I'm glad you feel good about your job choice. It would not good to find yourself in a job where you felt your talents were not fully being used. I really admire you for knowing this about yourself. I'm amazed at how many people go through life doing work that does not suit them. Very good! Thanks for sharing.

Hi Annette,
You have to do what is right for you and it sounds like you did. It also seems like you didn't make an hasty decisions and thought about it for a while. Good for you.

Annette~just last night I was thinking, I need to post and see how your new job is working out. I'm glad you feel you're where you should be. (I'm sure your current employers are too!) It's great to know you are happy with your decision.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Aquajock,
I understand the sleepless night situation. I've been job hunting and hoping to make a change for 1.5 years now. I need something new and different however I have a great boss. She's understanding about situations that arise with children, etc. Sometimes I want a change, then sometimes I think I might regret it because I could end up with a new, more challenging job but maybe a boss from hell. My hours are also 7:00 - 3:30, so you can't ask for better hours than that - plenty of afternoon left with the son after work. If it was keeping you awake, then you probably made the right choice by staying with the current job.

I'm sure your current employer is delighted that you're staying.

Take care!
Are you in the prosecuter's office right now? That would be a real big jump. Anyway I'm glad you have your job to stay in. I have a nice job right now too and I'm so thankful for it.
RE: Connie0001 -

The office that I work in is actually a multi-disciplinary, multi-service center for victims of domestic abuse and assault. We have advocates, protective order writers / filers, child protection screeners, probation, community advocates for the Hmong, Somalian, Latina, Native American, and GLBT populations; we also have a police investigator and alternating county (district) and city attorney / prosecutors. I'm a paralegal for the prosecutors, and review,investigate and prepare for charging misdemeanor-level domestic violence crime cases. It's a unique and fascinating, albeit emotionally draining job. I can't believe I ever seriously countenanced leaving!

Annette Q. Aquajock
RE: Connie0001 -

Annette I think you made a very wise decision..and you're doing so much good for those who can't protect themselves. Good for you!
RE: Connie0001 -

Hey Annette,

You are SOOOO blessed to be so confident in your present job!!! It must be where you truly belong. I left my job this past July for one that paid quite a bit more money, and I recently asked my old boss if I could come back "home" where I really feel I make a difference in people's lives. Congrats on knowing yourself well enough not to make my mistake!

RE: Connie0001 -

Aha! (It's me- one and the same person)- I was on a jury once and I discovered that the prosecutorial side of justice is sorely undersupported by the average American. In my region anyway.

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