Change of Plans


Hi everyone! I've been working out with Cathe for about two years now, but this is my first post. I was looking for any advice I could get about changing my workout routine a little. For the past year or so I've been alternating cardio days and weight days. I was considering doing weights everyday (different muscle groups of course) and doing maybe a 30 minute run in the morning before I head to work. Do any of you think this would be more effective? Any advice on this would be helpful.
Hi Amanda! Welcome to our happy "home"!! Glad you came around. I think any kind of change is a good thing, especially since your body probably became used to the routine you were doing before. Cathe always tells us small changes and shocks to the system work wonders :) I think weights everyday is fine if you are working different muscle groups. That makes me think you want a one part per day rotation? Also, try to vary up the cardio, too. Change is great! Hope to see you around more!

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

Personally, I think it is always good to change it up every couple of months and do new or different routines. It keeps your body guessing! I also think that it is really hard to work muscles to fatigue if you are doing total body workouts; doing only one part per day could really help you to work a specific muscle group much more effectively and harder. I think it is definitely worth a try and you should get results, but if you don't like it you can always change it back. :)

Good luck and have fun!
Here's what I've been switching to. It's the same amount of time working out, but just differently done.
I run/wal on the treadmill for about 20 min, then I go and do my weights, and then I do another 30 min of cardio after the weights. It breaks up the monotony to cardio straight for 45-60 min and it's confused my body.
You could do this a different way too. You could say, go for your 20 min run, then come home and do your weights and then after work, do a CTX cardio.


Edited to add that I only do weights 2 times a week, Tuesday and Thursday. I belong to a gym so on Wednesday I do pilates class, and Monday I do a yogilates class. Friday is strictly cardio, for 1 hr at least. You could do a yoga vid on one day and a pilates class on another. Just a thought.
Thanks for your response! I'll have to joing in on this more ofter-it seems like a great source of motivation!
Hi Amanda,

I wanted to welcome you to the posting world. You've got some great mix-it-up suggestions above and I hope we'll hear more from you.:)
Welcome to the crew! Hope you like it here and get all the answers you need!

As for your ?...any change is good! I think it sounds like an awesome plan. Give it a few weeks and see how you feel. Let us know!
Hey Amanda!

Welcome! I used to be a lurker only for a long time too, but I have found that participating a bit with these fine folks has really been a plus! I vote to mix it up a bit. Last year I was injured and sidelined from running because I was ONLY running and I severely neglected the rest of me. I became so imbalanced and by body was sort of "stuck" in a rut from becoming too used to the same ol' same ol' . Now I have been mixing up the cardio with some running, step and cycling on my road bike, and I use Cathe weight workouts, and I've recently started with Stott Pilates. I think you've gotten some really good ideas here so far so good luck with your new plan whatever you do and by the way, great name you have; it's also my middle child's name! ;-)


ETA: fix my spelling mistrakes...misteaks....oh, MISTAKES! oops!
Thanks for all the advice. Sarah, I looked at your pics; you look awesome!! What did/does your diet look like?

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