

Hi Challengers!

I am here. I had a little "off program" time this weekend. I did not eat clean, in fact, I had some ice cream for the first time in over a year.

I found that the "Afterburn" supersetting program that I was following was far too grueling for me. I have had the worst DOMS in my ass/legs since my last workout on Friday! Now, ordinarily I would strive for DOMS but this threw me off guard. I couldn't run or do my usual cardio. I then was itchign and decided to "rest" for a couple of days.

I have come to the conclusion that I really need my Cathe! Workouts are not fun nor inspiring without Cathe. So I have come back home! I also have realized that at 32%BF I need to keep my emphasis on cardio/HIIT as well as my early morning outdoor runs. My weightrd workouts need to be light weight (lower body) and high rep. I can virtually take any of Cathe's workouts and "freestyle" the format.

So, I will take the time today and design a rotation using Cathe for the next several weeks. Even if I change it up, it will be a guideline. I'll post it for my fellow Challengers to see.

I hope that the Challengers remain here. I need to be constantly challenging myself to improve. That's why I like the theme of this thread. Of course it's summer and sometimes we only have time for a quick swoop in or lurk...but please keep checking in because I need you guys to help me stay motivated and interested. I ove the support.

I'll post my rotation tonight!
We're not goin' anywhere hon! We are with ya all the way!:)
Sounds like you have a great plan in mind! Best of luck with it!

I am on the fence this morning...I am trying to decide between LowMax at home or the elliptical at the gym. I really want to give the elliptical a try but it's the friggin' heat that stops me...I just DON'T want to go outside AT ALL! LOL What would you all choose?

I have a little DOMS in my tris and hams from my work out yesterday. YEAY!}(

Hope everyone is doing well and for those of you who are NOT stuck in this awful heatwave....Can I come visit you? ;) :7
Wendy, great lower body workout from yesterday! I can see why you have some delicious DOMS. Those walking lunges always do it for me.

And by the way, very nice avitar picture in the "Little black dress"!
TY! I picked that dress up a few years ago for some absurd amount of money like $9.00 on a sale rack! That is only the 2nd time I've worn it. I was not so sure about how I looked in it when I bought it (pre-preg.) and didn't have the nerve to wear it until AFTER I had DS!:+
Good morning Challengers!

Hey Sue! I'm here for the long haul too, if I don't challenge myself, and check in with these guys I will not make it. Seriously. I do light weights for legs with my Cathe workouts too. I always did, for fear of bulking up my already bulky thighs,x( plus because of my knees starting to give me trouble.:(

Speaking of which they feel "ok" this morning. I'm starting to wonder if it's something with my tendons because of the different spots I feel twinges. I'm getting it xrayed on Thurs. when DH goes for his bloodwork. May as well see if anything is going on in there that can be helped.

Hiho Wendywoo! I would do Lowmax at home only because I am in this horrible heatwave and don't want to go anywhere either.
Oh and that dress is even NICER after seeing what you paid for it!:7
My denim shorts I'm wearing this year I bought when I was like 23-34 yrs. old. They were cheap and the best thing is they are JUNIORS!! Back when jrs. weren't so dang short. They're just the right length for me and being able to wear them again is an awesome feeling!:7

Well I did PUB up yesterday and abs instead of Imax because of my knees. So today I'm going to do Stepworks. There's no way I'm going 2 days in a row w/o cardio. I did work up a sweat last night in the Beyond, but that doesn't count.

I'll check back when I'm done to tell you how it goes. Without any problems HOPEFULLY!:)

Hello to all who follow! Stay cool whoever is stuck in the heatwave!:p

Hey Kali-

Now what's the DH postponing the job in Iraq or is it kaput?

Speaking of lightweights plugged into Cathe workouts, lately I have been loving Low Max and Legs and Glutes done while holding 4lb dumbells. I just plug in overhead presses, lateral raises, bicep curls, tricep name it. It really ups the heart rate enough to shave off some more calories.

Annabelle is MIA! Where are you? You were always here first thing in the a.m.. Are you still working with Karen Sessions?
I'm back with my knees in tact. I'm sure I'll feel them later tho.:(

Well Sue it looks like Iraq is kaput. He could probably go on another deployment in a few months, if his cholestoral comes down a bit, but with everything going on over there right now, we just don't feel it's worth it. He was able to get OT at work to make some extra cash which was the point of the trip to begin with. Plus soon as the boys go back to school I'll be working 25-30 hours a week again which will make things a bit easier. I guess we'll see what develops.

I was wondering about Annabelle too! And Jean and SD too! SD checked in yesterday I saw. Hope everyone is doing ok!

Off to eat FINALLY and shower. Hope everyone has a nice afternoon.

Did you make it to the gym then Wendy? Did you survive out there??
It's horrible aina?

Hello Ladies.

I went to the gym, Kali...and I SURVIVED! }( LOLOL :7 :7 :7

I used the elliptical...3.43 miles in 35 minutes...I did an interval style work out. It was fun and my legs were nice and toasty by the time I was done!:+

It doesn't feel as awful out there today as it did yesterday...I think that is because it's an ENTIRE degree lower than it was yesterday! ... NOT!!!!! Bwahahahahahahah!:7 :7 :7 :7

Anywho...I just finished lunch and have things to do but don't feel like doing them so I think I will make myself a cup o' java and peruse the forums for a few more minutes.

I'll be back to see what's going on it a bit!:)
Good afternoon fellow Challengers.

This morning I somehow managed to jog for 30 mins outside. I don't know if it was the heat/humidity or what but it was slow. And since I don't have my HRM I didn't want to push it too hard. I'm trying to follow the BFFM way of eating this week, so wish me luck. I've really fallen off the eating wagon lately. Well kind of the workout wagon too, but I already jumped back on that one. My problem right now is trying to figure out my work outs. Dh said he wants to start going to the gym. I want to be able to go with him, but I don't want to duplicate body parts. Also I don't want to miss my morning w/o in case he's too tired after work and doesn't want to go. I think by sticking with the gym style series, I won't have any problems. That way if we go I can just work a different body part or do more cardio.
Hopefully that will work. Gotta rur. Hope ev eryone has a great day.

hello challengers!!!

quick check-in the little ones are calling. this morning i did 3 miles on the treadmill. my eating has been much better this week than it's been in a while.

gotta run. sorry so quick.

good night everyone:)

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