Challengers (12 Week)


Hi Challengers! I thought I'd start the post today. I've been lurking and cheering you all on! I just completed a 12 week Meltdown on another forum and thought I'd jump back over to Quenn Cathe's place. Since I don't "hate cardio"...(I actually am addicted!), and I wouldn't condiser myself "hardcore" yet...(although a girl can dream), I thought the challengers would be a great place to start.

I have to be honest and say that I find posting my workouts on a daily basis very important in maitaining my mojo. I will not always have the time to i.d. each of you with a personal. But believe me, I'm reading and happy to hear how things are going with you.

Everybody OK with that?

So, the last 12 weeks looked like this:
Start- 162lbs, 55%BF 4/17/06
End- 153lbs, 52.4%BF 7/10/06

I did primarily Cathe workouts, acombination of weights and HIIT plus outdoor running. My eating was fairly clean through the first 2 months and then summer brought it's challenges. Although I continue to make healthy choices.

For my next phase my goals are:

1. Continue to decrease BF%, perhaps 28-29% by October.
4-5 meals per day of roughly 350-400kcal.
2. Water, water, water.
3. Trial Alwyn Cosgrove's "Afterburn" (an e book which is a periodization supersetting weight program) plus Cathe workouts especially for HIIT.
4. Work on maintaining my new lifestyle mind, body and soul.

Yesterday's workout included Cosgrove's Supersets (AM) + Imax 3(PM), w/u and blasts 1-4.

59:00min total
Avg HR= 123/144
Kcal= 595

I will check in later today!

OK quick post -- my internet provider is down at home so here is to say HI! and I will catch up probably in the morning if it is up and it should be.....I did get my workout in yesterday and today....Hi and miss you guys!
Good morning Sue and Kathy! Hope your internet gets back up Kathy! Miss you too!

Hey Sue! Glad you're here. I've been in and out of this checkin thru out the whole 12 weeks. But I'm back for good. I don't hate cardio either, I just like the girls over there! Great results you've had! Way to go Girl!

I have LL on my rotation but am doing GS Legs instead.

I ate great yesterday and so did DH. He's at the DR now.

Well off to have my raisin bran and workout. Have a good morning everyone!

Well the doc said DH's bloodwork tests might have been bad or tainted. He has never seen anything like it. He told him he probably has high cholestoral, but nowhere near what this test said. So.....he is going to have it tested again next Thursday. He's still going to eat healthier tho regardless of what it says.:)

I did GS Legs and feel pretty good. I didn't go heavy on the weight tho. I don't want to put too much stress on my knees. I never really went heavy anyway.

Going to clean a bit now.

Where the hec is Wendy? Yoo hoo!!!!!!!!! WEN-DY!

Good afternoon Kali, Kathy and Sue.:)

Sue: Good job on your challenge! You got some great results! Keep up the hard work and I'm sure you can meet your bf% goal!

Kathy: Hurry back!

Kali: Phew, I hope the doc is right about your DH. Cholesterol really is nothing to be messed with. It can cause serious problems. I have been fortunate enough to never have really high cholesterol and it has dropped to well within a healthy range since I began working out and eating well 4 years ago.

I'm back from the gym. I ran 4 miles on the TM in 42.10 mins. That's good time for me. I kicked my pace up .2 from my usual. I also ran the last half mile on a 2% incline which really made me work hard to get to the "finish"!

This morning before the gym I did a full body weight work out on my own. I started with 25 walking lunges and then hit every upper body part, putting in another 25 lunges between every couple of u/b exercises for a total of 125 lunges plus 40 pelvic tilts on the stability ball for l/b. It took about an hour. I still have abs left to do at some point today as well...
*meets Wendy at the door on the way in from walking*

I went for about a 40 min. walk. My knees feel great. It is fricking HOT out there tho! Think I'm gonna go jump in the pool before dinner. DH is making chicken scallopine tomato and mushroom parmesan over ww noodles. CAN'T WAIT!

I had raisin bran for breakfast, a salad for lunch and that will be my dinner. Doing good.

Got my walk in and GS Legs. Tomorrow is Step and Intervals which I don't have and seg. 1 of Coremax. Think I'll do the RS/SB challenges and Coremax 1. Sound good?

Off to cool off. Be back later. Hope everyone is ok!

Hi guys! Great to hear from you all.

20 minutes HIIT, Bootcamp Cardio 1-5 + Abs
Short, intense and sweet.
Avg HR= 124/162
Kcal= 232

Meal 1- Whey protein shake, with 1/2 banana, skim milk
Meal 2- 1 hard boiled egg, 2 slices turkey bacon
Meal 3- Casual Gourmet Chicken patty, 1/2 cup cous cous
Meal 4- 1 hard boiled egg, 2 slices turkey bacon
Meal 5- will be brown rice tuna maki, miso soup at Japanese restaurant

Tons of Crystal Light today. On deck for tonight is Core Max fave!
Kali, great work outs! I haven't done RS in such a looong time. I gave it up because segment 3 was beyond me. I've done 1 and 2 a couple of times and then just shelved it. Part of the problem is that it's a VHS tape so it's a pain. Eventually I will get the DVD and sell the VHS on ebay.

Susan, your menu looks great!

Jean, I'm sure your results are okay...just not what you originally set out for. I'm sure we will all be in the same boat. I know I will be! I am going to "complete" the challenge on the 20th as that's when it ends according to how I counted it off so I have an "extra" week to try and get that BF% down and/or those last couple of pounds!}(
wendy-shoot i didn't hear the door knocking, LOL

didn't get a chance to check in yesterday. i also didn't get a chance to workout either. just one of those days.

today i am going for a run on the treadmill for about 3-3.5 miles. i feel the need to sweat, LOL

jean- great reults!

Kali- i don't have rs. been debating on that one. i've seen it on fittv and it looks really fun.

xschwarz-welcome!! glad to have you.

kathy-we miss you too!!!

so are we going to officially end the challenge on the 20th???

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