
Hi ladies,

I just got done with CCPP:p I had a great run. I ran 5 1/2 miles, no extra challenge!:p I don't know how your girls do it, adding an extra challenge? I burned 850 cal. That's it for me today!

Have a great day, everyone!
WTG Belinda!! ^5!! So glad to hear that you're well enough to join us!

I haven't gotten started yet...waiting for DH to wake up so I don't wake him with the noise. BBL!
Belinda, SUPER excited for YOU to be joining us!!! How have you and DH been feeling???

I just finished up on the treadmill. Felt AWESOME!!!!! I had originally planned on doing it on the stationary bike to rest my legs and PF, but I felt good getting out of bed and felt AWESOME the entire run! For an added challenge, I repeated Ch #3 (the 3 sprints with recoveries) onto the end!!!! LOgged over 7.25 miles, and then I tacked on the STS Extended Stretch!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!

What an AWESOME way to start the weekend!!!


p.s. I blush every time Coach Sean calls "ME" Barracuda toward the end of that first challenge. :eek:
Nice job Belinda and Gail!

I just finished on my stationary :eek: My extra challenge was increasing my resistance on the hills of challenge 4. It was a slow and brutal burn :cool: But I still had enough to finish challenge 5.

^^5s to everyone!!
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WTG Gayle and Catherine! Nice work!

I also did it on the stationary bike. Extra challenge was original Boot Camp Cardio only premix. I even managed the terminator thrusts.

I dedicated my workout to jonahnah, whose mother recently passed away, and to a friend's young son who is in the hospital for an infection. After the workout I heard that he is doing much better and will probably go home on Monday. Yay! I'd like to think that perhaps my healing thoughts and energy helped him just a little bit.

Great job everyone!

But Gayle, I just gotta say that I think you've got it wrong. He's calling ME "Barracuda"!! :p:p;);)
Hi ladies

I have had a few mediocre runs in the last week or so, and was gimpy mid-week, so I 'saved' myself for CCPP. I am glad I did - I had a GREAT run.
61.54 minutes, 6.15 miles, no extra challenges.

I am feeling jealous of your 7.25 run Gayle, and your mega calorie burn Belinda. I wanna burn 850k. My stupid hrm says 368k...and only 35 min in my own zone. What's up with that?

I fall in love with Sean all over again when I do Press Play. Especially when he is connecting people around the world and finishes with "....and Jim Macclaren, in San Diego." Each time I want to cry.

I can't wait to do it all again.:D
Hey fellow ccpp'ers -- I did it earlier this morning -- outside, as is my usual. So, some of the sprints were hills, some of the hills were sprints -- a great workout, a lovely morning with the fog in. No extra challenge for me, though I swear, I'm starting to see how you do it!

Hi my friends!

Way to go all of you! Press Play is just the greatest.

I just finished and did it outside too. It was a gorgeous day and I just did my personal best Press Play yet. I used my Nike+ and did 9.5 miles in 1 hour 27 minutes. (Thanks to Carola's bonus suggestion :eek:) I didn't think I would be able to do 18 extra minutes but when that music started... I found that extra reserve of energy. Excellent bonus suggestion Carola!

Okay this is silly, but I saw about 10 other runners out there today and every time I see them on Press Play Saturday I want to shout out "Press Play?" as I pass them. I'm just sure one or two of them are doing it too. LOL! It's that great of a workout, more people have to know about it, right? :D

Janis, I cry too every single time I do Press Play. It is so inspirational.

As always, I dedicated my workout to my wonderful husband and to Jim. And I thought of all the wonderful CCPPers here doing this workout with me.

Oh and one last thing... I'm pretty sure Coach Sean is calling me Barracuda. :p LOL!!


Jodi – fantastic job today. Where do you girls find the energy? That’s awesome.

Gayle – I joined you girls last month! My infection is coming back, that doesn’t stop me from working out. I am finally getting up there with my miles, I am not gonna let that infection stop me. Last week, I started the 3 ½ month STS rotation. I just wonna make it through once! Fingers crossed! The military ENT doctor sent me home with 3 weeks supple of antibiotics, which I am starting tomorrow. After STS is over, I will go in for my second surgery. I am not ready to get surgery so soon again! WOW! On your 7 miler this morning, that is awesome. One day, I will run that far!

Catherine, WTG, on adding the extra challenge. I gave it my all this morning. BTW, thank you! I did M1 D3 on Friday, love those sliders. That was my first time using them.

Janis - I am feeling jealous of your 6.15 miles! That is amazing! I really push myself with CC’s. You probably have been running for years, right? I just started beginning of this year again, I had to stop end of March. I just started running again, the last few weeks. I am also running with a chronic sinus infection. I still take the calorie burn, lol!

Beth – wtg this morning. I need to try CCPP outside! I didn’t think about that!

^^^^5’s ladies!
Oh, ladies. Are we gonna have a Cat Fight now, fighting over Coach Sean's pet name for ME?
He's calling ME Barracuda and YOU ladies his 'little green wrinkly friend'! :p:p:p:p:p

WTG Janis, Beth, and Becky! Great job everyone! Congrats Becky on the personal best!

Thanks Belinda! My form sure wasn't pretty there toward the end, and I had to take a few breaks to catch my breath, but I'm proud of myself for finishing. So sorry to hear the infection is coming back. I know you're not looking forward to more surgery, but hopefully it will fix everything once and for all. ((((hugs)))) and healing thoughts going out to you. I am so impressed that you manage to work out with all that going on...amazing!!

Oh and one last thing... I'm pretty sure Coach Sean is calling me Barracuda. :p LOL!!

LOL Becky!!!
Catherine, WTG, on adding the extra challenge. I gave it my all this morning. BTW, thank you! I did M1 D3 on Friday, love those sliders. That was my first time using them.

You did M1D3 yesterday and CC today :eek: How are your legs ;) BTW if you want some extra slide out of those furniture sliders, put a little powder on them and you will be slip sliding away LOL!!!
Oh, ladies. Are we gonna have a Cat Fight now, fighting over Coach Sean's pet name for ME?
He's calling ME Barracuda and YOU ladies his 'little green wrinkly friend'! :p:p:p:p:p


you all are cracking me up!!

Wait, did you just call me little, green and wrinlkely?
I just finished and did it outside too. It was a gorgeous day and I just did my personal best Press Play yet. I used my Nike+ and did 9.5 miles in 1 hour 27 minutes. (Thanks to Carola's bonus suggestion :eek:) I didn't think I would be able to do 18 extra minutes but when that music started... I found that extra reserve of energy. Excellent bonus suggestion Carola!

Nice job!! You know, I was slow moving this morning and not feeling like working out and once I hopped on my bike the time FLEW by!! Still not so sure I could add an extra 18 minutes though-WTG!
You did M1D3 yesterday and CC today :eek: How are your legs ;) BTW if you want some extra slide out of those furniture sliders, put a little powder on them and you will be slip sliding away LOL!!!

Catherine, yap! I did M1 disc 3 yesterday :p I was afraid I would cramp up, but felt fine. Do you want to hear something funny? I felt face down on Wednesday (it was my dogs fault! Lol), bruised both my knees. I am all messed up! I been icing and stretching them since Wednesday. I was afraid they would border me, but felt fine during CCPP today. My knees started to hurt once I got home! LOL! Thanks on the tip on the powder! I am sliding just fine! LOL!:eek:
good to reard from Belinda!!!

Hi everyone, I don't know what that is, ccpp but I'm glad to heard that Belinda is doing fine. You ran 5 miles that's is awesome.. I'm happy for you..

What I did today was Muscle max 75 min. It was gooddd I'm still shaking from all those curl up's and kick backs.

Hi everyone, I don't know what that is, ccpp but I'm glad to heard that Belinda is doing fine. You ran 5 miles that's is awesome.. I'm happy for you..

What I did today was Muscle max 75 min. It was gooddd I'm still shaking from all those curl up's and kick backs.


Thanks Eunice! CCPP is Cardio Coach Press Pay is a killer guided workout! they are incredible workout:eek: I love them! I can't find CCPP website! Awesome job with your workout today.

OK! I found CCPP website! check it out! You gonna love it!
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Oh, ladies. Are we gonna have a Cat Fight now, fighting over Coach Sean's pet name for ME?
He's calling ME Barracuda and YOU ladies his 'little green wrinkly friend'! :p:p:p:p:p


I'll be Yoda! Yoda is wise!

“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”

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