Cats in the Zen garden


Last year DH was so nice and built me a Zen garden to do yoga and meditate in. We had wanted to build this for a long time, but we happened to come by most of the materials for free last summer so I finally got my garden. In my garden there is a big sandy pit which I love, but there is a problem...we didn't know that cats would see a "sandbox" as a litterbox;(. And the neighborhood cats are smart, they found it within a day or two and visit daily. We tried putting in a sensor that would make a noise to deter them, but that didn't work. We tried putting organic compounds in the sand that they wouldn't like, but that didn't work either. Finally DH laid fencing down flat on the sand so the cats wouldn't want to walk on it. It was a great deterrant for both the cats and me. It takes about 15 sweaty minutes to get all the fencing off and another 15 to put it back on, not to mention it is ugly. We were thinking about putting a motion detector sprinkler on next spring as a deterrant, but we aren't sure if that is the best idea.

Has anyone else had any problem like this or any ideas? We are stumped and would appreciate any help you could offer.


There is a spray you can buy that is safe - it won't poison them but it's for garbage cans and other outside things - smells yucky! They run from it. You have to reapply it. There's also at least one (probably bunches) of green plants you can plant that are odorous to cats that will make them stay away, but shouldn't effect the overall atmosphere of your garden. I would call Lowes and speak to someone in the garden section - I think they had the cat and dog "repellent" plants there - I think they were referred to as "catbegones".

Good luck (poor kitties...they're probably thinking - "WOW! This is my lucky day!" haha! One of my cats - Murphy - I saw him earlier in the winter season...i drove by the cinder barrel at the top of our street...he was in the cinders doing his business! I was so shocked...someone will get in there to sprinkle cinders and salt on the icy hill and get a bit of cat wee wee too...haha)
I have no idea what to tell you, but, I just have to say that "Cats in the Zen Garden" sounds like a great name for a band!!!!:p
Hi Shayne,

Ugh...that certainly takes the "Zen" out of your garden.

Unfortunately, I think the neighborhood cats will want to get into that sand no matter what, especially since they've already laid down some scent.

How big is the pit? Is the pit for aesthetic purposes only, or do you do yoga on it?

The reason I ask, is that I would recommend taking out the sand and putting in a material that's not as attractive to cats, such as some sort of pretty gravel aggregate, river rocks, tumbled glass mulch (which is VERY cool and Zen-like). These, however, wouldn't be great to walk on or do yoga on.

This happened with a sand box my hubby made for the kiddies. I think someone told me Cayenne Pepper you could probably ask someone at PetSmart or do a search on the puter.

"Double Knot your laces and let's move on"
-Cathe Friedrich
This may sound funny but cats hate silver foil and/or seran wrap. Is it possible to cover the garden with foil or it just too big?
>Good luck (poor kitties...they're probably thinking - "WOW!
>This is my lucky day!" haha! One of my cats - Murphy - I saw
>him earlier in the winter season...i drove by the cinder
>barrel at the top of our street...he was in the cinders doing
>his business! I was so shocked...someone will get in there to
>sprinkle cinders and salt on the icy hill and get a bit of cat
>wee wee too...haha)

Cats are crazy! I hope the cat does not invite other cats from the neighborhood to join in...spring time is mating season.

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