Cathletic Supporters Aug 24 Check-In


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Hello Friends!
I hope you all are as excited to work out as I am! The beauty of studying all the time, is that you are excited to do things like work out for a break! I tried to paste a graphic above, but I don't know if it's going to work. Have a great day, off to do power hour!
Lisa :eek::eek:

Lisa - Let us know how power hour goes! I'm anxious to hear! I got a good laugh out of your description of your videos last night. That's funny that your son likes to watch the icky pictures!

Today I'm scheduled for the step portions of Imax 3 and Upper Body Sculpting. Should be a pretty good workout! I really like having my workouts scheduled - I don't have to think about what to do every day and I don't wimp out with easier workouts when I have written down what I'm supposed to do! Although I wish I would have switched yesterday's run with today. The weather here is going to be beautiful today - 70's and sunny! Nothing like the typical August weather in the midwest!

Talk to you guys later!
Happy afternoon!

I finished my workout first thing this morning and it was a good one! I got a good sweat going with the step and then did Upper Body Sculpting which was hard but not too hard. I felt good afterward - not totally wasted! :p

That's about it for now!

Well done with your work out this afternoon! How is Imax 3? Is the Upper Body Sculpting from the basic DVD? I am just starting to get used to the names of all of these workouts! I did power hour and is was pretty hard for me, although I got through it- I don't have a barbell, so I used free weights (only 5 lbs) for all of the squats/plies, and for the infinitessimal number of lunges, I didn't use weight, because frankly I didn't need to. There were planks at the end that I had to do the easy version of, but overall, I can barely walk, so I call it a good day! I completed all of my board questions, now I have 3 days to review the hundreds that I got wrong. My kids start school tomorrow, so I got to organize their school supplies today, which I love to do because I am nerdy that way. We watched the closing ceremony of the olympics which was nice. Tomorrow on to Rhythmic Step. I figure I'll do 3 pure cardio days (2 with some sort of step, and a third with jogging or walking depending on the status of my knees) interspered with weight days, probably in the beginning I'll stick with total body weight days until I am strong enough to need to devote a full day to each body section. I have been browsing through premade rotations on this website, but when I find a rotation that looks good, I've been distracted by the fact that I don't have all the right workouts. I have found "The Cathe Compendium" (I think you referenced it the other day), and am cobbling together the videos that I have, although I might have to supplement. It's kind of fun to go through and put it together, because I look forward to doing it each day. Anyway, off to study, thanks for reading the rambling, have a good night,

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