Cathe's Wedding Tape

Hi all-
I'm new to "Cathe" and just received the Wedding Tape. I'm so pleasantly surprised by the normal, everyday people that Cathe has working out on this tape. I get just a bit discouraged when I work out with other tapes that have these VERY slender, beautiful women who remained perpetually 25!! I'll soon be 49 and enjoy exercising and it is so nice to see regular people on these videos!!

Of course, I've only VIEWED the video....I'm sure doing the actual workout will kick my fanny! :) But I'm so looking forward to burning some of this fat off!!

Happy exercising all-
Hi Deb!
When I first started Cathe's tapes, I also loved the realistically fit women on her tapes. I was used to doing tapes where everyone looked perfect, and since that wasN't happenng to me, I got really discouraged. Cathe helped me to have a more realistic body image. Isn't she the best???
Hey Deb...

Welcome to the club! The "Over Forty and approaching you-know-what" age group. Yahhhhh!!!! I'm 46, but the speed at which the last 6 years flew by, I know I'll be fifty before I can blink twice! I've always been an exerciser, but sporadic at times. I still remember my first concerted effort at exercising (I was 16)...I used to put Seals and Crofts Summer Breeze album on the record player and do plow-horse bicycles, side waist bends and toe touching to the music!! LOL...SHEESH! How far we've come, eh?
Anyhoo, after purchasing, doing and repeating over 100 videos in the last ten years (yeah....the first I ever bought was that Jane Fonda one, where she's dressed in that ridiculous striped outfit...or was it the "leg warmers" that were striped? LOL) I've found my permanent exercise "savior"...CATHE!!! I even have her very first video, plus Cardio Step Challenge and something called "The Home Step Workout", neither of which are available anymore. But I hang onto them because I figure they might be valuable someday. Can you say "Packrat?"
Can anyone else here remember the first time in their life they ever did consistent exercise and what kind of workout/tape you used? I'll bet there's some interesting stories among those of us who started in the 70's...LOL
Lynn FInn
When I first started Jazzercise in 1981 we didn't wear shoes! We did high impact aerobics in stirrup tights with bare feet on a concrete floor. I can't believe it when I think about it. We're so lucky to have so much to choose from now - and Cathe's still the best of all.
Hi Deb,
I love the wedding tape, it still remains as one of my favorite Cathe vids. Cedie (the blonde-headed lady) is my favorite. I don't really know why, I just really like to work out with her. I hope she will be in the new videos this fall. Love her smile!!!

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