Cathe's new Muscle Endurance Video


Do you guys think this video will work one body part at a time until that part is completely fatigued (like Power Hour) or do you think it's going to jump back and forth from different body parts like aerobic weight training. I like the way Power Hour is laid out and am hoping this is similar. I read the decription for the video but it doesn't make this clear (to me). Cathe normally fatigues one part before going on to another which is the way I like to strength train. What do you guys think?

I just reread the description and I think it will skip around.

This may mean it works each body part more thoroughtly. For example after a shoulder circuit, my shoulders will rest while doing step-ups, then more shoulder work later where I can do more reps than if there were no rest in between. Make sense?
Hi Lisa

Let me just add Cathe's quote:

"Each circuit is divided into all legs, upper and lower body mixed, and then all upper body. You will work with with a variety of rep patterns as well as a variety of weight loads and conclude with ab and core work using a medicine ball. No time for boredom with this workout!"

This directly from the post on the new vids. You need to work all the body when working out you can focus on specific areas or muscle groups like bodybuilders but then you have to work on the supporting muscles.

I agree Cathe is into fatiguing each muscle group when she weight trains it sounds like it will be the same on the new tapes.


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