Cathe's New Gym


I just checked out the website for Cathe's new gym... It's been updated to say "Opening in just Days".

I bet that's why she hasn't been around. How exciting for her! How exciting to be a new member.

Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off. - Cathe in HSC
WOW! I didnt know she taught at an actual gym! Thats way cool. Has anyone here taken her classes in person? I just might need to make a special trip to check it out :)
OMG :eek: I think I need to move! I would love to live near something like that - there's so much room for everything. I'm a 'home exerciser' these days out of necessity (location, kids and work make gym w/o's impossible) but used to be a regular at the gym, wherever I was. It would be great to work at a place like that, too, don't you think? I'm imagining if that was my 'office' I sure wouldn't mind going to work on Monday morning!! :)
>WOW! I didnt know she taught at an actual gym! Thats way
>cool. Has anyone here taken her classes in person? I just
>might need to make a special trip to check it out :)

I've been to take classes with her a couple of times. Met Francine there. Had a great time. Classes with her are much tougher because there is no pause button & because you just want to impress her with your stamina! LOL She is the sweetest person!
I looked at the floor plan, and there is a STUDIO there for making more videos/dvds!!!!! So......this must mean that there are many more Cathe workouts to come!!!!!:+ :+ :+ :+
>I've been to take classes with her a couple of times. Met
>Francine there. Had a great time. Classes with her are much
>tougher because there is no pause button & because you just
>want to impress her with your stamina! LOL She is the
>sweetest person!

That is so true}( I also took a live class with Cathe too and met up with Francine.

>I looked at the floor plan, and there is a STUDIO there for
>making more videos/dvds!!!!!

If I am correct I think that is where Cathe film The Hardcore Series.
RE: bestoutwest!!

good question! I had a hard time even FINDING her name on the site so if she does own it, maybe she doesnt want it publicized
RE: bestoutwest!!

good question! I had a hard time even FINDING her name on the site so if she does own it, maybe she doesnt want it publicized
RE: bestoutwest!!

>Does cathe own this gym?

I once read somewhere (on this site, in Cathe's bio?) that she was fitness director for Four Season's Gym (I think). I'm not sure if that was another gym she worked at, and then she branched out on her own, or if this is a continuation of that.

I'm not sure if "Cathe's gym" means she owns it (with Chris?) or that she is one of the big wigs there.
RE: bestoutwest!!

I think we should organize a field trip and live mean go there!

~ Kim

"Welcome the challenge...Embrace it...Don't fear it." -Cathe Friedrich

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