Cathe's june 2003 rotation


Active Member
Hi everyone,

I am planning on starting an april-rotation that Cathe posted for june 2003. It focuses on one bodypart a day.
I expect to receive my new dvds for this rotation this week. I ordered Slow & Heavy and PUB/PLB dvds (I want to use this one instead of PS-series which I don't have).

My goal is to maintain my weight (maybe loose a little bit more) and build some muscle. I think this will get it done.
Does anyone have experience using this or this type of a rotation? Is one bodypart really enough to gain muscle definition? Where you happy with the results? I'd like to hear form you.
Thanks in advance.

Here's the rotation:
Hi Jula!

I love this kind of rotation, and I definitely think that you can achieve your goals and enjoy yourself along the way with this rotation.

When I originally did the June 2003 rotation I dropped a little weight (not easy for me at all!) and I added nicely to my strength and gained a nice little increase in muscle mass, especially in upper body. if you concentrate on eating clean, SLIGHTLY increase your protein and good carbs intake for fuel and muscle rebuilding, and lift as heavy as you can, I think you'll see great results from hitting each body part just once a week. I know this works for me. I'd try this for a month, and after the month is over if you haven't gotten the gains you want, next month switch to a rotation that hits your target body parts twice a week.

I am doing Cathe's April 2004 rotation which also concentrates on using S&H for building muscle strength. I've been concentrating on more endurance-based workouts for quite a while, so it's good to be back to this lifting approach and it's nice to be using S&H again. I sometimes forget what a fun series it is. The music is great, the time flies and -- best of all -- even when I am lifting to my max, I don't experience any DOMS at all. What a bonus! :) The addition of Pure Strength and MIS to the June 2003 rotation will mean that you'll have a LITTLE DOMS, but maybe only a little. And you'll feel so great when the month is over!!! Kathy S.
RE: Hi Jula!

Thanks for the info, I started the rotation today. I hope it will work for me too. It will be a change, I've never lifted weights that heavy.

I'll keep you posted about my results. Have fun doing Cathe's april rotation :)
RE: Hi Jula!

I am now almost finished doing this rotation and I have to say I really enjoyed it. I gained some muscle definition in my arms, which I didn't have, and feel much stronger. I really like the concept of concentrating on one body-part a day. It helped me with my form.
And hardly any DOMS, only the days after S&H legs I felt sore. A good thing you mentioned this Kathy, because I always think a workout isn't effective if you don't feel it the next day.

I am not sure what I will do next. I am expecting PS-series soon so that will be in my next rotation and maybe some more endurance type strength training to keep the muscles confused.
RE: Hi Jula!

I'm so glad you enjoyed that rotation, Jula -- it's one of my favorite kinds, too. Isn't that a funny thing about S&H and DOMS -- I sure wish endurance and regular-speed gym-style weight work didn't produce any DOMS and I'd enjoy it a WHOLE lot more! :)

I LOVE the PS series, by the way -- I've practically worn out my DVD's. (Just kidding, they're indestructible -- but it sure feels like I've used them 1000 times!!!) Kathy S.

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