Cathe's awesome abs!


Hi Cathe!

I remember you once told me that you worked one bodypart per day for about 25 minutes and legs for about 50 minutes. I never asked how often and for how long you worked your abs/core. Is it also just once a week for about 20 minutes or do you do it more frequently in less time?

Also do you do 5 cardio workouts per week?

I'm not Cathe, but just in general, you've got to have a pretty low body fat % to have abs like hers. You can build great abs under fat, but they just won't show like that. A combo of clean eating, weight training, and cardio work will build the muscle and burn the fat. (I've taken my body fat from 22% to 17% so far, with a goal of 14% for "walking around", and 12% for competition.)

Just looking at Cathe, I'd venture to guess that her bodyfat % is somewhere between 12-14%.
Good for you on taking your bodyfat to 17%. Did it take you a very long time? Do you still get a cheat day or did you cut that out altogether?
Thanks! I'm training as if I'm going to enter an April show....but funds are limited and it's more expensive than I thought to compete, so I may end up waiting until October.

That being said, I'm following a strict bodybuilding diet. I get one cheat meal a week. I usually have a cheat meal, plus a treat, like a mocha or milkshake for a treat, depending on the crazy weather.

I'm eating 5 meals a day, 3 hours apart and averaging 1450 - 1550 calories a day right now. I'm also carb cycling, so some weeks are full of non-starchy veggies while others I get sweet potatoes or oatmeal a lot.

So, I started at 22% in October, and I'm at 17% now....but I fell off the wagon HARD at Christmas (who doesn't?)and just got really strict with my diet 1/3/05.

Oh, and I'm planning on competing in a Figure class, not bodybuilding, so my body fat gets to stay above amennoric (sp?) danger level, and I won't get "ripped" or vascular. :+
Could you be more specific as far as what foods you eat? Or can you recommend a book that follows your regimen?
Lots of egg whites, chicken, and green veggies. When I get to have starchy carbs, I opt for plain oatmeal and sweet potatoes as my choices. It's eating a lot of the same things over and over again, once the macros are nailed down. No sugar, white flour, or anything prepackaged. No dairy. Fats from nuts and flaxseed oil or egg yokes (sparingly on the yokes).

I have an e-consultant who gives me my calories and macros for the week, after I provide her with my weight and bodyfat % on "stat day". (Once a week, on the same day each week, I weigh myself and take my bodyfat with an Omron monitor.) She designed my program based upon my goals and beginning stats, height, etc.

So I'm hesitant to lay out my nutrition plan here and say it will definitely work for you....everybody is different. And I'm not here trying to sell the services of my consultant, either. If you would like to know more about her services, I'll be happy to PM you the information.

Hope this helps! The diet is the toughest part, but the farther you go with it, the easier it gets. It's those initial sugar cravings that are the female dog!
Can you give a list of the green veggies you eat? Also, does egg whites include "Egg Beaters" (which are 99% egg whites with some flavoring added).

Also, can you PM the information of your consultant?

Edited to add: This message was in reply to the previous post from Snazzy. :)

Thanks a ton!
Marla G.
Well thanks for all the information you've provided. I hope you do well in October, just the fact that you've come this far says a lot. Much continued success.
Thanks everyone for your responses. I agree that you definetely need low body fat for "6-pack" abs. I just really would like to know how often and for what length of time Cathe trains hers. Thanks!
I am so embarassed! I just re-read the thread where you had said that you worked one body part per day and you had listed abs on your shoulder day. I guess that means you only work abs once a week for about 25 minutes. If I am wrong maybe you could let me know. Sorry to waste your time asking the same question twice. Hopefully you haven't also told me how many cardio classes you do a week because I would love to know that to.

Completely unrelated, I would love it if on the forum your icon would come up for any questions you have answered so that the entire thread doesn't have to be pulled up to see that. I think it used to be that way a while back and it was great in the "Ask Cathe" forum because then you could know instantly which questions you had personally answered.

Thanks again!
I am so embarassed! I just re-read the thread where you had said that you worked one body part per day and you had listed abs on your shoulder day. I guess that means you only work abs once a week for about 25 minutes. If I am wrong maybe you could let me know. Sorry to waste your time asking the same question twice. Hopefully you haven't also told me how many cardio classes you do a week because I would love to know that to.

Completely unrelated, I would love it if on the forum your icon would come up for any questions you have answered so that the entire thread doesn't have to be pulled up to see that. I think it used to be that way a while back and it was great in the "Ask Cathe" forum because then you could know instantly which questions you had personally answered.

Thanks again!
Lora-Kate - do you have the link to Cathe's post where she describes her workout? I know I've read it but can't seem to find it. Thanks!!!
Hi there - sorry that this has taken me so long. I have no idea how to input the link here but if you do a search under "lora-kate" and then click on the "part per day" link you will find it. Hope that helps.

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