Greetings Susanz and others who may read...Well since last Monday it has been quite a week. You are right. Muscle endurance 3 times in one week is definately the hardest of these four weeks. Here is my past week*** Last Monday - (4/21) MIS. ***Tuesday - CIA 7002 (still learning this one)*** Wed - Cardio Kicks ! love this one! ***Thurs - Muscle Endurance ***Fri - IMAX1 ***Sat - Muscle Endurance (did better this time) ***Sun - off (and I needed it)***Mon - IMAX XTREME (what was I thinking?) ***Tues (today) - Muscle Endurance (not as good as time 2 but not bad, considering yesterday) So I have only one day left in the rotation and it is the 30" cardio w/ the PS L&A floorwork & abs (sounds like an easy day compared to the others) Then I plan to take May 1 off***...How was your final weekd. Did you enjoy the CTX week? What are you thinking of doing next? I keep looking for the Cathe MAY rotation... -joy