CatheLive Ready Set Step ?

aqua girl

Has anyone done this one recently? My question is, is it me or is Cathe not on the beat in this
Workout? I have learned the combos and finished combos and I cannot, be in step with her on
This workout...I tend to listen to the count or beats of the music which is 8 count blocks, and
Doing the steps with the music and if I look to see if we are doing the same thing, she is always a
Beat or 2 ahead of me which messes me up completely! If I don't watch and just listen to the
Instructions and music, I am right on beat, but if I glance at the screen, then I get off step cause
If I am finishing a 4 count move with the music, she has already started the next one, very
Confusing. I bought the download and that's what I am using, so maybe something with the
Download isn't in Sync, but when I was practicing it on CatheLive beforehand, I kinda remember
The count being off a little...anyway, just wondering if anyone experienced this or if it is me
Which it probably is :)

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