Cathe - You're great!

First, let me start with the fact that I am a (was a) die hard Firm'er from the beginning of time. I had been hearing about Cathe forever and finally got Body Max. It was WAYYYYY too advanced for me so it just sat for a while till I felt brave enough to pull it back off the shelf. (I now own about 15 of your vids.)

I am so impressed with the level of professionalism and caring that you display in your website and on your tapes. I am hooked for life, I guarantee I will look no further. I want to be just like you when I grow up! (I am older than you are, BTW).

Two areas specifically that I would like to mention are 1) the links you have to other sites - especially your competitor sites- shows so much class and 2) The detail muscle/exercise/video tips. Unbelievably cool stuff.

Enough gushing, just know you have a fan for life.

RE: I second that!

For me, working out was ALWAYS about the asthetic. If I looked good in my jeans, felt thin, etc. then I thought I was fine. I wasn't fit though, just hungry and unhealthy. Then I found CTX. Thanks to you Cathe, I look forward to playing sports, parking in the last row at the mall, taking the stairs, etc. because I know I can handle it. I really feel good on the inside, which I hope, makes me look better on the outside. Thank you so much Cathe for sharing your talents with us!
Gush away!

She deserves every single gush. In fact, I have to refrain from posting daily to sing her praises. My poor husband is probably sick of hearing me talk about how amazing she is. Plus, I have to get him to understand why I need to pre-order her new series...considering I have almost her entire collection.

She is an that I hope lasts forever!
I agree totally with you ladies. Cathe, you are such an inspiration and this site has helped me so much also! I get teary eyed when I think about how much you and this site (my cyber friends) means to me.

RE: I second that!

ME TOO! I always used to exercise for aesthetics. Then I started taking martial arts classes for self defense, found Cathe in my search to become stronger for it (lets just say when I started tae kwon do, if I kicked a punching bag the bag would stay steady, and I would fall backwards), and now thanks to her, every time we do ground fighting in class (that is basically rolling around on the floor trying to get people in headlocks with your legs and arms) I consistently get people saying 'MAN!' when I choke them. I'm not a blackbelt yet and last night I got to class early, and the blackbelts were doing ground fighting and one of them needed a partner. I heard someone say 'Oh Jill is here, she can be your partner.' I started to panic of course and thought I don't want to fight a blackbelt!! but when we did the choke holds she said, 'MAN you weren't kidding!' to the person who recommended me. That totally made my day and I instantly thought THANKS CATHE!

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