Cathe workouts GREAT for 55 yr old - which one next?


Active Member
Since starting with your tapes last June, I can't tell you how many women friends of mine have commented on how firm my butt is :D - in particular just after Slow and Heavy. That's when I started to notice over all results - lower and upper body. For being 55, except for the fat around my waist which is more like GLUE, I have never been in this good shape. Even walking 2 to 3 miles a week can't seem to move that belly glue.

I'm on my second 3 week rotation of S&H (working the negative this time) after putting variety in the mix again with Power Hour, Maximum Intensity and Strong Legs and Abs, for about 2 or 3 months. My son even noticed my arm definition this time!

What I want to achieve is continued definition and toning, but not bulk. Ideally I'd like to attract more positive comments about my arms! And if ANYTHING could melt around the belly glue that would be terrific.

I've narrowed down my preliminary search, at least for upper body, to either Pyramid Upper Body or SuperSets.

Or what is there something else you or those more experienced Cathe-ites here would recommend?

Thank you all here for your suggestions.

Patricia PUB is a great upperbody workout you can't go wrong with this one. Do you mind telling me what weights you use with the S&H ? Thanks Val
RE: Cathe workouts GREAT for 55 yr old - which one next...

Thank you Val.

With S&H, on the best days, I use 15 and 20 lb for the lower body; 12 and 15lb for chest and back; 10 and 12lb for the biceps; 8 and 10 for triceps; 5 for the rotator chuff. All of this for me has been a steady upward progression in weights.

Thanks again.

RE: Cathe workouts GREAT for 55 yr old - which one next...

Hi Patricia and welcome! I'm not Cathe (obviously) and I'm breaking the rules of the Forum by answering you on the Ask Cathe Forum (don't flame me, folks, please!), but I wanted to chime in because I'm a kindred spirit. I'm 49 and have been a Cathe regular since 1996. She's keeping me young and she'll do that for you too, as you're now seeing!

You're making wonderful progress upping those weights -- those are some already-impressive poundages you're using so keep going with that. I agree that the PUB/PLB DVD is a great choice. It's one of my personal favorites. I like SuperSets, too; it kinda depends upon your preferred style since PUB/PLB is a little more straight-up gym-style (great music, BTW), and SuperSets moves faster and has a greater variety of moves. For a litte more lower-body variety of good, basic, exercises that are paced a little slower than SuperSets, I also love Pure Strength Legs (which conveniently comes on a DVD with the PS upper body series, too). I could go on and on -- you really can't go wrong with Cathe's stuff -- but those two are perennial favorites I go back to over and over.

As for that GLUE, I hear your pain :) being in much the same boat. My advice to you about that is to increase the intensity and perhaps the frequency of your cardio. It sounds like you walk several times a week now, and if you're eating clean and already doing some Cathe strength work, the chances are pretty good that your body is telling you to kick it up a notch -- that it's used to the demands of walking and isn't going to give up that last reserve of body fat without a little more fight from you. x(

So I suggest you try substituting something more vigorous for one of your walks (maybe jog or run most of it), and try adding at least one more 30-minute more intense cardio to your week.

Let us know if you want some suggestions for Cathe cardio -- what you like to do, etc. And be sure to study the video clips (the link is available at the top of the Forums' home page). Again, welcome! Kathy S.
[font color=green]2005 Worked Out With Cathe Days: 3/365[/font color]
RE: Cathe workouts GREAT for 55 yr old - which one next...

Great ideas Kathy! Thanks so much.

I just cannot do Cathe's steps. I've tried several. However I do have a couple of step videos of other folks and I can certainly walk a little faster or do circuit walking (not sure it's the right name but when you walk a few, jog a few, and keep rotating.)

The PUB/PLB seem to be favorites of many here.

Thanks again.

RE: Cathe workouts GREAT for 55 yr old - which one next...


For cardio (I can't do much step anymore either), I highly recommend the TreadClimber (the high-end model). Nothing else has worked me better quickly w/o the high impact. My husband and I purchased the most advanced TreadClimber at our local fitness store in SE Michigan. It's called American Fitness. We have the $2,200.00 model but were able to purchase it for $1500.00 because they were reducing their inventory. Depending on where you live, you may be able to get a similar deal.
RE: Cathe workouts GREAT for 55 yr old - which one next...

cferrante: I've seen the TreadClimber on TV recently and am very intrigued. Good to hear you've had great results. I'm thinking of selling my stairclimber and getting one. Any more info. would be great!

Patrici: I'm another Cathe-ite who gives a big yes vote to PUB & PLB. They're fantastic.

Marla G.
RE: Cathe workouts GREAT for 55 yr old - which one next...

Just wanted to add I'll be 51 in Feb. And I've been doing Cathe for about 2 yrs. Love, Love, Love her!! She's done amazing things for my bod. Believe me I don't look 51 and I love it!! Thanks SOOOO much Cathe!!
Also I'd go for PUB. I'm always sore after that one.

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