Cathe Workout


New Member
Cathe has a terrific body!

I would like to know her personal nutrition plan, cardio and weights workout.
Thank You Lilita! It always varies for me but overall I average an hour a day 5 to 6 days a week.

I like to do either one body part per day along with 5 to 6 cardio workouts ranging from 30 to 45 minutes. I also like to do splits (ie: back and bi's, chest and tri's etc.) with the same cardio as listed above.

Currently I teach one boot camp, one advanced step, one high step, and one senior class weekly. Based on how much I participated, I'll factor any of these first three as a cardio/endurance workout.

I don't go nuts on dieting. I like to eat clean most of the time but that doesn't mean I don't cheat. Sometimes I cheat as much as once a day. I know my body very well, and have a good idea of when I can get away with cheating and when I am going to have to pay for it

Take Care!
I don't know if you will read this thread again Cathe, but just in case...

When you say "one body part per day" does that mean that the body part only gets worked out once per week or do you do you work the part an additional time (i.e. in a total body workout)?

You are in fantastic shape, so I assume your efforts are to maintain your fitness and physique. For those of us who are working on our bodies to get "cathy-fit" should we do more?

I don't write in these forums very often but I want you to know that I think you're the best overall fitness instructor on video. No one even comes close. Clearly you put a great deal of thought into the workouts that you create. All of us reap the benefits from your efforts to make the best workouts on video and the connection you make with us though this forum. I never thought I could be this fit. Thanks.

Teals :D

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