cathe workout and extra cardio?


Here is my dilemna, well to me anyways. I do a Cathe DVD maybe 4 days a week. That means the workout, abs and the stretch. Do I need to also do at least 30 minutes of other cardio, like a treadmill or something to be getting enough exercise? I am not losing weight and have watched what I am eating so I am thinking I still need more than that. How do you fit it all in?
Well, I have lots of questions for you. What Cathe DVDs are you doing specifically and do you have any specific goals? Also, what does "watching" your eating mean? What's a typical day of eating like for you? Sorry to bombard you, but if I know a little bit more information I and all the other great gals can offer you some advice as to how to best budget your time :)

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

What Cathe workouts do you do? Cardio only? Weights? Circuit? Intervals?

What do you mean by "watching what you eat"?

Without knowing your exact schedule, it's hard to make recommendations, but here goes!:

Make sure to do both cardio and weights (on different days or same day. Cardio burns calories, but weights build muscle that increases your metabolism (but if you build muscle, you may weight the same, or more, but be smaller, because muscle tissue is more dense, and takes up less space, than fat, so don't go by weight only).

Make one of your cardio workouts an interval workout, which burns more calories than steady state (the Imaxes or Cardio Coach by Sean O'Mally are good for this).

Be careful to get enough recovery vs. exercise for you (which will vary depending on the intensity of your workouts, your level of working out--beginner, intermediate, advanced--etc.). Too much exercise (or any stress in general) can cause your weight to plateau, or cause you to gain weight, because it increases the level of cortisol in your system, and cortisol tells your body to store rather than burn fat.
Well, here is what I've done the past couple weeks:

T--push Pull
R--30 min stetady walk
F--Super sets

T--L & G
R--35 minute interval treadmill
F--30 min steady treadmill

M-- zero
T--Cardo & Weights

Now, I only use about 1/2 the weight Cathe uses because 1) I want to lean out and 2) I really probably can't use all she uses yet :(

I am probably intermediate as far as this goes, very athletic so pick it up quite fast, other than the step. I did catch on to the Cardio step in todays though very easily.

Typical Menu:

B--1/2 Fiber 1 with skim milk, coffee
S--ff yogurt with 1/2 banana
L--usually a salad with lots of kinds of greens, a type of bean, balsamic vinegar
S--wasa cracker with LF cheese
D--typically a grilled piece of chicken or pork chop, 1/2 c. brown rice, salad or vegetable

I'm up for any critique you have. I have gained 10 pounds since October, although I hadn't been working out. So the past couple weeks I've been trying to get into it again and I am set to workout.

I have the following DVD's:

Pyramid Upper/Lower
BOdy Blast - minus terminator

I have the following on a tape from fit tv:

GS back, S&H chest and back, S&H Biceps/Triceps, S&H Shoulders, S&H legs, Cardio & Weights, Muscle Endurance, Muscle Max

I am thinking of buying many of the above on a DVD. Think it would be a good idea?

I am still learning Step Blast and Step, Pump Jump so I can't count them as a workout really yet.

Thanks for helping me out.
Hi Kel :) Sorry it took me a few to get back to you. Plus, I was thinking :p Looks like you have a good foundation there and your eating seems on par. My advice to you if you if you want to lose some weight & further tone, you might want to kick it up a notch and change things around. Make sure you are including at least 1, maybe 2 interval days a week, a steady state cardio, and figure out how you want to break up your weight training. Since you have the pyramids, maybe get that rolling. It's an awesome workout. Try doing premixes, like BC cardio only, KPC high intensity drills.

Maybe a rotation like this:

M - Bootcamp Cardio only, KPC high intensity drills & core, PUB
T - PLB / BC core only
W - rest
T- treadmill (interval jogs maybe?) / SS
F - C&W / punching & kicking drills from KPC
S - treadmill (steady state) PP OR Bootcamp as produced
S - PUB/PLB full body premix

So this is just a suggestion. I think I'm not the greatest at rotations, but you get the idea. If you want to train 1-2 bodyparts per day, you can break your weight training up that way as well or include a bit of both. Cathe gives us such fabulous options! It's time to shock your body!

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

Thanks Debbie for your input. DO you know, if I do a circuit workout, is that good to count as cardio and strength for the day, or should you do more of one or the other. i guess really, can you do circuit several times a week? I did S,P,& J today adn loved it! It was my first time and boy did I sweat. The step is coming along, but I can't count that as true aerobic for me yet cuz I still play with the moves a bit while I'm learning them.
I think a circuit w/o is in a class by itself ;) It is great to build endurance and strength and can be a stand alone. Have fun!

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"


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