Cathe with firms?



Help. I need to shake up my routine a bit. I am getting bored with what I am doing - usually separate weight days, separate cardio, little pilates then a combo. I do P/S and MIS, a little Joyce and for cardio, variety. I haven't tackled power hour yet but love circuit max and the cardio on the wedding tape.

This is my question - I am thinking of doing a firm rotation, which I have never really done, even though I have a nice collection. However, I really need to work on upper body so I thought I would pick three total body firms and add on extra upper body depending on what the tape lacked. Has anyone ever done this? I was thinking of using P/S to add on or would MIS be better. I don't have CTX but I am going to order 10/10/10/.

I also thought this would be a great way for me to add more cardio since the firms have cardio built in and on I could still do separate cardio.

If anyone else has done this I'd love to hear from you. Thanks.
Hi Bebop-

I am doing something slightly similar. I love Cathe, but have read that you should cross-train so you don't hit plateaus. Silly me sold all my Firm tapes so I have been using Fitprime's videos (which are similar to the Firm.)

Do you have Bodymax? It has some great upperbody work in it. It's quick and to the point. If not, I think MIS would be great for upperbody work too.

I have CTX and I think it has some of the best upperbody work in it. Of course it's more of an endurance workout, but if you heavy up on the weights you will really feel it. I think I was sore for about week the first time I did a CTX rotation.

I've been doing a rotation where I do cardio one day and a total body routine the next. I am really starting to see results which I'm quite surprised since I've decreased my cardio. (I haven't figured that one out yet!)

I cannot stick to a rotation to save myself. I just get bored too easily.

Good luck! I hope I answered your question
Thanks tsut! Yes, you answered my question. That is what I plan to do to - total body (firm) then cardio the next day. Actually, that would increase my cardio since I have only been doing 3 cardios.

Too bad you sold your firms - maybe you can replace them with trades or on e-bay. I've also tossed tapes in the past only to regret it later.

Actually, I just finished Firm Strength. It was the first time I did it and I was surprpised how tough it is. I don't feel like adding any extra work tonight. I don't have bodymax.
I guess I'll use MIS for extra work. I am planning on getting some of the CTX tapes so when I get them I'll use them too. I prefer endurance workouts so I think CTX will be good for me.

am like you, I have a hard time sticking to rotations.

Thanks again for your post!
Hi! I know this is an old topic but I wanted to say that I get GREAT results using Cathe and the Firm! I don't have Cathe's weight tapes(except BodyMax), so I do 4 Firms a wk and the I add 1 or 2 Cathe step tapes. I've done the Firm for 12 yrs, but I just found Cathe 4 yrs ago. They're both awesome, and when I added Cathe, it accelerated my weight loss so much I had to struggle to keep weight ON! I would like to add some Cathe weight tapes into my rotation but I don't know how! I'm afraid I'll get confused with all the choices!=)
Kathy H
I like to combine Cathe and the FIRM to get the best of both. My current rotation is Slow and HEavy chest/back (which I love), firms lower body (usually "Lower Body Split": those tall box steps really get my glutes in shape) and the Shoulder/tricep/bicep workouts from the CTX series.

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