CATHE TV: san diego 2010 road trip

I have to brag that the little blodie boy doing push-ups with Cathe towards the end of the clip is MY SON!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D

The RT was soooo much fun!!! Ahhhh, such happy memories!!

How is Randy doing Pam? I think of you both every time I read your posts. Such a sweet boy. Great to meet your husband too. What a lovely family you are!
Hi Cathe!

That's sooo sweet of you!! Randy is doing great! He's enjoying the summer thoroughly! Lots of fun stuff! Super hot today and the pollen is crazy. We live in a pine forest and get hit with what I call pollen-bombs one a year! Yuck!! I took our doggie for a short walk this morning but dashed back inside when the wind started to blow and it was yellow!! :eek::eek: achoo!!

We are enjoying the club pool, going to the Y, summer school, vacation bible schools, etc..

I hope you and your boys are doing great!! Happy Monday!!

Sheryl, that video IS cool! That egg omelette with tomatoes looked so good! Lol! I hope you can join us sometime on a RT! They are beyond fun and you'll make a ton of new friends. Hope to meet you someday.

Pam, Randy is so cute...nothing like starting them young!

Thanks so much Cathe and Debbie I will surely try to attend. I was talking to my DH who's doing the STS workout with me. He's really enjoying it! I had to make a workout schedule for him.:D He wanted to know if man could come on the RT? I told him I do not see why not. but I thought I would ask anyways. He has not missing one workout!! so proud of him!!:D
Absolutely Sheryl, men are included. We'd love to meet both of you. We've had several couples attend. Sounds like you are doing great at keeping him at it! Gooooooo Sheryl!

My husband does STS with me too and he is totally hooked on the workouts. Isn't it great to workout together?
Hi DebbieH!

Thanks!! Randy is my mini-Cathlete... he actually asked if he could wear one of my Cathlete shirts and swiped my SD RT water bottle!! :rolleyes:

The coolest thing for him was that he picked out his favorite Airforce jet toy for Cathe to sign at the SD RT and just jumped for joy when I handed him the personally autographed jet! Sooooo cute!! He loves it when I tell him that Cathe says 'hi'! I feel super special as well when she replies 'in person'!! :D

Happy Friday!!

Husband and STS

Absolutely Sheryl, men are included. We'd love to meet both of you. We've had several couples attend. Sounds like you are doing great at keeping him at it! Gooooooo Sheryl!

My husband does STS with me too and he is totally hooked on the workouts. Isn't it great to workout together?

We both finished Dics#3 saturday. I heard him talking to himself saying "OH MY GOD"....:D:D:D. I'm just happy he's working out. Out of all the DVD's in my library he likes CATHE workouts!!! GO CATHE!!! I finally have him working out!!
Pam, how cute! I bet that is the 1st. time Cathe has ever autographed a jet! Ha! I think it's so great you are teaching Randy, by example, a very active lifestyle! Gooo Pam & Randy!

Sheryl, other then biking and an occasional elliptical workout, Cathe workouts are the only workouts my DH will do. He is totally hooked on STS! Hoping to meet you and your hubby. (maybe next RT?)

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