CATHE; Question about rotation for me



I am in my 4th week of the intensity series rotation for heavy weights and strength. Before I started this rotation I had been alternating cardio days with weights using Power Hour and MIS as my primary weight workouts and varying the cardio, but always including IMAX once/week. So far I have not seen any great change. I am using the exact rotation you suggested and using the same weights you are. I also found Power Hour to be harder at fatiguing my muscles than the pyramid tapes. My goals are to loose fat, so you can see my definition and add some more definition as well. So, my question is this the right roation for me and I should be patient. Also, should I be seeing more definition from the Pyramid tapes than from Power Hour and MIS?

I do love the tapes, but just want to make sure I am working the right way to see results.

Thank you,

Hi Kathy! Sometimes seeing the changes take longer but you should definitely "feel" some changing going on in about three weeks. Are the weights you are using very challenging to you. If you know you could probably handle heavier weight, then you should go heavier. Also, the reason you feel more fatigue with Power Hour, is because it is a high rep endurance workout. Less breaks between sets builds up more lactic acid, therefore creating a more intense burn in the muscle. But in any case, if you know you have given everything your all and you still feel this rotation leaves you completely unaffected, then yes, maybe there is a better rotation out there for you.

Simply find the types of workouts your body responds to and build similar workouts around it. Make some workouts harder and some easier (within the given week) but always make sure they present some form of a challenge.

I recommend interval workouts for fat loss. I also recommend running or spinning workouts for cross training cardio. You can try different weight training tapes to see if they work better for you. Have you tried the Pure Strength Series. You may find the pace and sequence of this series to give you the changes you are looking for.

Good Luck! If you need more help let me know:)

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