Cathe - Question about LIC


Hi Cathe,

My question may be a little silly, but I am fairly new to your Step workouts, (less than a year). I have tons of your workouts now, old and new. My question is on LIC - where you do the walk, walk, turn (shaking your hands). Is there a reason you incorporated the shaking hands in? I wouldn't think it's for cardio's sake since the hands are low. Again, others on this forum my question may seem rather silly, but I've wondered about this long enough that I thought, why not just ask? LOL.

I also have to tell you Cathe, I absolutely love your workouts. I never thought I could do a step workout, since I tend to be uncoordinated and not very patient with learning new choreography. But you have the kind of personality that makes me feel confident I can do this, and I'm willing to invest more time learning your choreography, than I am with any other instructor I've tried.

Thank you Cathe for all you do for us.

Not Cathe, but I just wanted to say that I LOVE the shaking hands bit. My hands get tired and cramped, especially by the end of the day, because I work on the computer all day, and when I hold dumbbells and barbells my hands can start to feel tired pretty quickly. I love the hand-shaking thing because I feel like it gets any accumulated tension and/or pooled blood (yuck, I know, I tried to think of a better image here...) out of my hands, I really do feel like it relaxes my hands and gets them ready for the weighted work to come! I think I assumed it was some sort of therapeutic move for that reason.

Now watch, Cathe will say "Well, no particular reason, we just liked the way it looked..." ;-)

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