Cathe posted an update


Here is Cathe's update... It was at the end of a thread in the ASK Cathe - so I thought I would put it here too... :)

Hi Everyone! I can definitely feel your anticipation building over the upcoming workouts. I'm right there with you. Forgive me for not posting an update sooner but when we are this deep into a project, it is very difficult for me to be on the forums. I'm now very focused on coordinating all of the last minute details and of course continuing on with rehearsals.

While I can understand your frustration in not being updated sooner, I want to thank everyone for their patience and understanding in producing a quality product. We are completely excited to be working with Clear Channel on our new upcoming productions, but as with any collaboration, the more people involved in a project, the more decisions and agreements that have to be made and met. We are making some upgrades with these new productions, the biggest being sound and picture quality, and feel this effort alone will be worth the wait. We will be filming in just a few weeks and then regular updates will begin from that day forward.

I would like to post a kind reminder regarding our presales. We always try to be as fair and honest as we can upfront by stating that we can't tell exact dates, details etc. We always encourage you not to preorder if you aren't sure about doing so and we always allow you to cancel your order at any time, no questions asked.

We feel that this presale is actually running the same length as our other typical presales, however, if this does meet your expectations, we understand that you need to do what is best for you.

I'm soooo looking forward to filming and can't wait to share the new workouts with you
I was hoping the next update would be the pics and to say they were in post-production - but I am sure they will be great and really excited that they are focusing on the music quality!!!
Anne, I looked at the thread where Cathe posted and could not believe some of the comments. I mean, I still haven't cracked the cellophane on a lot of the workouts from the last bunch. Cathe and crew are a lean, mean workout video-producing machine, and yet there are still people who have to belly-ache. Some people are just never satisfied with anything. I really liked your post.

I was hoping the same thing, Anne, as were quite a few others. I ordered early in the Presale and tried to put it out of my mind ever since. I agree with you that they will be really great and worth every minute we are waiting. Have a great day!!
Thanks Nancy -

I felt the same way - and actually this presale seems to be going a bit faster like Cathe had mentioned. The presale started in September - and looks like we might have the workouts in Jan/Feb. The hardcore presale started on July 4th weekend and we didnt get them until Jan/Feb. Granted their were a few more workouts - but I cant wait to see what the production quality of these ones will be. SNM took a beating with the Music on the Hardcores - so it will be fun to see what they have now.

Funny, I get my furr ruffled and feel like I have to defend Cathe and SNM when there are posts like some in the other thread. I appreciate every minute of her workouts and her efforts - and would hate for negativity and impatience to cause a change in the whole presale process. I, for one, like being able to presale, get a great discount, and be one of the first to get the workouts (because I presale on the first day offered).
Hi Nancy,

I'm still getting such good results from the Hardcore series that I don't want to crack open any new workouts right now.

Thanks for posting this, Anne! I would have missed it.

Where I live, if you spent an hour with Cathe you'd pay way more than $100- just for an hour!!! We get to spend as many hours as we want for one price- seems like a bargain to me!! ;)
I read and posted under that thread and did not find anything mean or outrageous. Just customers, who pre-ordered and have in the past and wanted some information. There is nothing wrong in wanting that and Cathe did provide it to us. Now we know that the filming has not started, will not start for some weeks. Now we also know that the sound issues that many had in the HC Series are being addressed and we anticipate minimal with this new system coming out. And finally we have a reasonable time frame that this DVD's will not be ready until spring.

Now that the questions are answered, many can EXHALE...

Not hatin', just was seekin' information....

I agree Linda. I also posted in that thread and didn't see anything mean or outrageous. I think Cathe answered a lot of questions with her post. I have preordered from Cathe every since the Slow and Heavy Series and I have never regretted my choice. I am so happy they are focusing on the sound. I, for one, did not have sound problems, but I know many others who did. And, like you, I now know not to expect any pictures for at least a couple of weeks and maybe even longer.
>Thanks Nancy -
>I felt the same way - and actually this presale seems to be
>going a bit faster like Cathe had mentioned. The presale
>started in September - and looks like we might have the
>workouts in Jan/Feb. The hardcore presale started on July 4th
>weekend and we didnt get them until Jan/Feb. Granted their
>were a few more workouts - but I cant wait to see what the
>production quality of these ones will be. SNM took a beating
>with the Music on the Hardcores - so it will be fun to see
>what they have now.

To be realistic, if they have not STARTED filming and will not for some weeks, you really think that the DVD's will be ready in January or February? That is really wishing on a star!!! I see April, the earliest. And yes, I understood the wait for the HC's, it was 10/11 DVD series. But these are just 4 DVD's, here. But, I am also reading that Cathe has more to confir with since CCTV is aboard, and this could be the hold-up.

And I am glad that SNM finally acknowledged the problems ppl had with the HC Series. Many were not happy with the "User Error" answer or "Buy a New DVD Player", either. I did not have issues, but I felt for those that did, which may indicate why some are hesitant to pre-order and have the wait and see attitude.

Just my .02 worth....

I guess I'm the one who started this whole thing. I wasn't upset, I was just wondering. I'm glad Cathe did reply.
Nancy, I didn't think people were belly-aching, I think people (including myself) were frustrated with the lack of updates. No one was rushing Cathe to come out with the new series, posters just wanted to know what's going on.

I don't think it's unreasonable when people paid for these workouts 3 months ago and were told that they would be filmed in the fall and then not informed of anything after that.

Luvstep -

I don't think anyone blames you. :) You simply asked a question many of us had on our minds. Others took it to another level. I'm glad Cathe posted an update so she can focus on those new workouts now! ;-)

Luvstep- there was nothing wrong with your question, in my opinion. A friendly question is always acceptable. It's not your fault that people used your question to comment on SNM's business practices. SNM has been saying for years that if you can't just pre-order and forget about it, then you shouldn't be pre-ordering.

If SNM only produced a few workouts every few years or so, and we didn't have enough workouts to keep our routines fresh, I might be asking some questions too. But look how much we have already. SNM is downright prolific, and they always come through. I'm just saying that at this point, given their past history, they don't deserve people taking pot-shots at their business practices.

As Cathe announced many months ago, they've made some big changes in their business, and these are the first new workouts since the change. Why not give them a little extra breathing room this time?


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