Cathe, Please help



My girfriend has been very or shall I say extremely dedicated at trying to lose weight. She has many of your videos and I've done the routines with my much as she excersizes and works out(5-6 days a week) she is not achieving the results she wants...she's got that little tummy after having kids...ya know. She is a sit up nut and burns me out in the process..she would like the shed I would would say from what she says 10 if not 20 pounds...can you please recommend any caloric intake regimes or protien diets and how often is a person to eat a day...once, twice, three meals a day...she works through her asthma so that in itself is a challenge and does having asthma have any effect on physical fitness goals...

Cathe, I wouldn't bother you with such a request but my girlfriend is truly very special to me and I love her dearly...I try to help but I only seem to make things worse somehow...I want to be very supportive as I can for her. In all this that she is trying to do is just to make herself look and feel good I just wish she would know and understand how very much I love her as a person and the wonderful woman that she is....

Thank you
Randall Riecke
[email protected]

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