Cathe--please help me get a better body by summer!

Stacey D

New Member
Hi Cathe!

I'm hoping you can suggest a rotation for me that will optimize my chances of dropping an inch from my hips/butt/thighs.

I am a regular exerciser and have been using your tapes for 2 years now. I have pretty much all of your videos. A typical week for me consists of 5 challenging aerobic workouts (40-60 minutes) with one really tough workout each week (i.e. Interval Max, MIC, or BodyMax, etc.) I also lift weights for my upper body one time per week (using your tapes) and my legs two times per week by doing Power Circuit or another such tape one time per week and Leaner Legs another day per week. I just finished an 8 week rotation with Leaner Legs (35 lbs) and have started to do PS Legs with a 45 lb bar. I think I may have to up my weight again, but it's getting challenging to lift it over my head. I run 1-2 times per week and try to vary my cardio workouts. They are mostly step oriented.

Genetically I build muscle pretty easily and my legs have a bit of a stockier build. I have no extra weight to lose. What would you recommend for me?

I am also a nursing mother--do you have any idea the approximate grams of protein I should be eating to make sure my muscles are getting what they need, or could you recommend me to a source where I could calculate that on my own?

Thanks for any help you can give me. You're the best!

Hi Stacey! You are doing all of the right things workout wise. Did you know that while you are nursing your body holds a little extra body fat? This is so normal and nothing to be concerned with. When the time comes that you no longer nurse, your thighs will most likely slim down some more. Don't rush it, that little one loves the nurishment. Take care!

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