cathe or educated crowd concerning lunges


i hate static lunges...i've tried and tried, and will keep trying but is it the same if i just do forward lunges or am i missing other muscle fibers? i like forward and reverse lunges.
What exactly is the thing that makes you hate it? Is it the balancing difficulty?

'Cause if it is, try putting your two feet not in a straight line, one directly in front of the other, but instead make sure they are about 12 to 18 inches east-west of each other, while in their position for lunges. Does that make sense?

Tell Cathe and us why static lunges are difficult for you. Remember, without static lunges you miss low-ends. Low-ends raise and firm your glutes like nothing else!!

connie..i will try your advice...i think i am trying to be too straight lined. i have so much better balance with lunges when i take a step.

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