Cathe - Need Upper Body Rotation


Active Member

In August of this year, you put together a rotation with emphasis on the legs and glutes. This rotation really strengthened my lower body, so I was wondering if you could put a similar rotation together with an emphasis on upper body this time. I really need some strength in the shoulders (my weakest body part).

thanks much!
Here is one of the original upper body workouts, designed by Marlene 123.

"Editor’s Note: This has been one of the most popular rotations of Spring 2002, and it comes from Forum regular Marlene123. In a year’s time Marlene has lost 27 pounds and become lean and cut. Here’s how she achieved real “tank top arms”:

“Here is my current rotation which I have been doing for 10 weeks. I plan to do two more weeks of this, then two to three weeks of Slow & Heavy and then back again. I have had such incredible success with this rotation that I hate to let it go even for a few weeks but I know I must to cause some muscle confusion.
Anyway, here it is (and I admit, it's a killer):

Day #1: Pure Strength Chest, Back, Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps
Day #2: CTX Leaner Legs
Day #3: CTX Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps plus cardio
Day #4: Cardio
Day #5: MIS
Day #6: Cardio
Day #7: Cardio or rest

As you can see, this routine works shoulders, biceps and triceps three times per week, chest and back twice and legs twice. I do abs 4-5 times per week as well.”

I also did a tank top arms/beach butt rotation that I posted in March or April. It was tough, but fun! I've posted the link to the thread below.

Nadia I am not Cathe but I think you can try the November rotation 2004. There are great rotations in the index cathe's rotations in this forum too.

#1652, "November Rotation"

Hi Everyone! I'm posting the November rotation early since we will be busy filming for the next couple of weeks . This rotation will be a 4 day split and supplemented with cardio. This split will allow you to train hard each day since you will work opposing muscle groups with every lift. You can expect to build lean muscle mass, get great definition, and burn body fat. Remember that to get maximum results you must also eat clean, sleep well, drink extra water, and increase your protein slightly to aid in muscle tissue recovery. Enjoy!

PS.....I have split the Slow and Heavy series up in a different order to accompany this rotation.


Mon: Slow&Heavy Chest/Slow&Heavy Triceps/ Abs from Muscle Endurance

Tues: Slow&Heavy Back/Slow&Heavy Biceps/ 30 minute run

Wed: Slow&Heavy Shoulders/ Pyramid Lower Body Stability Ball and floorwork exercises/ 10 minutes of Ab Hits

Thurs: Pyramid Lower Body Standing Exercises/30 minute cardio of choice

Friday: Kick Punch and crunch

Sat: Imax 2

Sun: OFF


Mon: Slow&Heavy Chest/Slow&Heavy Triceps/ 10 minutes of AB Hits

Tues: Slow&Heavy Back/Slow&Heavy Biceps/ 1st 30 minutes of MIC

Wed: Slow&Heavy Shoulders/ Pyramid Lower Body Stability Ball and floorwork exercises/ Abs from KPC

Thurs: Pyramid Lower Body Standing Exercises/2nd 30 minutes of MIC

Fri: Cardio Kicks

Sat: Imax one

Sun: OFF


Mon: Pure Strength Chest and Triceps ONLY (do not do shoulders) plus 10 minutes of Ab Hits

Tues: Pure Strength Back and Biceps plus your favorite pure cardio workout

Wed: Pure Strength Shoulders plus Shoulders from CTX/ Floor work from PS Legs/ Abs from PS Legs

Thursday: Standing Leg work from PS Legs plus 30 minutes of your favorite pure cardio

Fri: Imax 2

Sat: Step Works

Sun: OFF


Mon: Pure Strength Chest and Triceps ONLY (do not do shoulders) plus AB WORK ONLY (from S&H Chest Back VHS/DVD)

Tues: Pure Strength Back and Biceps plus your favorite pure cardio workout

Wed: Pure Strength Shoulders plus Shoulders from CTX/ Floor work from PS Legs/ Abs from PS Legs

Thursday: Standing Leg work from PS Legs plus 30 minutes of your favorite pure cardio

Fri: Imax one

Sat: Rhythmic Step

Sun: OFF

Have Fun!

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:)

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