Cathe! My cat wants to know if this will help firm his butt...


I swear I did NOT pose him.. I was setting up my weights and when I turned around I had to run to get my camera...


LOL, my cats love to hide underneath my step when I use more than one riser! It makes me soo scared, though... they are black from above and my mats are black and my step is black and gray!!

They always help me set up my puzzle mats, too. When Gracie hears Cathe, she heads to the table because she knows that her food will be there waiting for her while her mom exercises! ;)

They are too cute, aren't they? :*

(And btw, we all *know* you didn't pose him for these photos because he would not have stayed there!!! ;))
RE: Cathe! My cat wants to know if this will help firm ...

Susan, that is GREAT! How cute! Wish we could sit on our High Steps and watch too! Ha!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance, I Hope You DANCE!
RE: Cathe! My cat wants to know if this will help firm ...

My cat used to do that, too. She would sit on the sofa or the ottoman and watch the tv, then look at me, then back at the tv, then at me. Like she was watching to make sure I was doing it right. Too funny.
RE: Cathe! My cat wants to know if this will help firm ...

That is too cute. And what a gorgeous cat? Is it a siamese mix of some sort? I always let my kitty join me for the stretching. That's his favorite part because he gets to be nose to nose with me on the floor. :)
OMG that is SO funny! He is so cute!

I agree with the previous poster - he is a gorgeous cat! He looks like he could be a Birman or a Ragdoll.

I enjoyed these pictures so much... thanks for sharing!

I can sooooo relate. I finally had to shoo my "kids" out of the room and close the pocket doors. I can hear my boy pawing at the tiny space where the two doors meet, trying to get just enough space to squeeze through. When he just about has it I race over and shut them tight again. Cats love to crawl all over you while you're working out. God bless 'em.
RE: Cathe! My cat wants to know if this will help firm ...

Well, Cathe always does instruct her participants to watch the workout once through before actually doing it ...

And yes, I agree your kitty is gorgeous. I absolutely love cats!
RE: Cathe! My cat wants to know if this will help firm ...

>Well, Cathe always does instruct her participants to watch
>the workout once through before actually doing it ...
>And yes, I agree your kitty is gorgeous. I absolutely love

HA! That is too funny :)

Tess/Joyce- Anze is a 8 month old ragdoll that is already at 12.5 lbs!!!! He is going to be a behomoth!!! He's a blue- bicolor. And his 12.5 lbs of love, is what he is!!! I just love him to death. He is as precious and precocious as the pictures would tell you.

Thank you everyone for your compliments and I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who's babies are as interested in fitness as we are!
RE: Cathe! My cat wants to know if this will help firm ...

Long-time dog person, first-time cat owner (should that be "guardian"?) here to say that your photos are adorable and very amusing! Good job with the quick camera work!:p
RE: Cathe! My cat wants to know if this will help firm ...

Too Cute for words.
My Cat joins me also, He sits on the TV watching me workout, then when I lay down on the Step or do Ab work, he like's to lay on my stomach. Feels like a 17#lb. dumbell :eek:
RE: Cathe! My cat wants to know if this will help firm ...

Too Cute for words.
My Cat joins me also, He sits on the TV watching me workout, then when I lay down on the Step or do Ab work, he like's to lay on my stomach. Feels like a 17#lb. dumbell :eek:
RE: Cathe! My cat wants to know if this will help firm ...

>Hey...what's that little pink thing on the floor? Is that
>his "workout ball"? (haha)
LOL! I noticed the same thing! Kitty has his own-sized medicine ball.
RE: Cathe! My cat wants to know if this will help firm ...

I have a new kitty (Peanut) who's 5 mos old and he sits on the back of the recliner during all my workouts and watches.

Anze is gorgeous!

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