Cathe marathon 5/1


Hi Cathe,

I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed watching your marathon on Fit-TV all day Saturday. Unfortunately I sprained my foot two weeks ago and still cannot do any cardio but it was fun just watching anyway. My DH thought I was crazy watching workouts all day (especially since I own them all) but all I could say was "BUT IT'S CATHE"! :)

Hi Cathe,

I also watched you for a better part of the day (great excuse not to do house and yard work LOL). I am so glad to see you getting all the exposure. I'm sure it will greatly increase your fan base and most certainly your workout purchases. You are such a hard worker and nobody deserves it more. YOU GO GIRL!!!

I also enjoyed your marathon on fit-TV Saturday! Even though I had already completed my workout which was Step Blast, I had fun jumping in with different cardio sections throughout the day when I walked by the TV. My dog was exhausted from watching me all day! I hope your ratings are doing great and I wish you all the best! You are an awesome inspiration!

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