Cathe in MegaStepBlast vs PS Series



Hi Cathe,

This morning I did MegaStepBlast, after not doing it for a few months. I was amazed at how much more bodyfat you had at that time, in contrast to how you look in the PS Series and Interval Max. Could you tell me what you have done differently over the last 6 years? More strength training? Better diet? You look great!

Sandi M
Cathe?? Bodyfat?

Gosh---Cathe's physique is certainly more muscular and defined in her recent videos, but her "bodyfat" in MegaStep Blast is still clearly very low.
same question

Hi. I was going to ask the exact same thing. I just received powermax and hadn't seen any of Cathes tapes prior to MIS and PS. She really has gotten cut! I too wonder how?
I don't mean that it was high!

I just mean that now you can see much more muscle definition, and she doesn't look as soft as she used to. I'm wondering if it has to do with diet, or more strength work, or more cardio. Maybe a combination of all three, but I'm betting on diet....

And I am betting more on the weight lifting

thing and some diet I expect too, but more the weights.

Really now, think about it... you really think Cathe can afford to cut back on carbos but so much?! I'd say working out and being healthy for a living for years and years shows it's effects! All that muscle took some serious protein, and that energy level and clarity of mind to cue so well sure doesn't come from not eating much! No doubt Cathe has a healthy diet, but you don't get to look like that by good eating habits! Of course, she is constantly doing cardio. Just to develop combos and routines she probably works for hours at a time, not to mention her own personal workouts. Also, she's obviously gotten even more serious about weight training since MSB. All to say that I'm sure it's a combination of a healthy lifestyle and a whole lot of well rounded work!
Cathe's bodyfat....

I remember after Cathe did Step n motion 1, she did a step n motion 2,3 and maybe 4 (it was so long ago I'm not sure I remember) they were done in a much different setting etc. Cathe was much heavier in one of those tapes, which did my heart good to see that even the best of the best may deal with a weight issue now and again. Obviously she got over that!!!!!! She has one of the most admireable figures around. I applaud you Cathe, cause I know what HARD work it is. I struggle with my weight constantly, I work out alot and teach classes and all, but I have a problem with controlling what I eat. I have learned over the years however I'm an emotional eater, and having had some serious trouble with my oldest child (19), me and food got to be the best of friends over the last year and a half. This was really depressing cause I had had my last child (#4) three years prior (gained 70 pounds) and was within 10 pounds of being where I wanted to be and gained 30 pounds over this "bad" time. I'm so discouraged with myself I could puke. Oh well......... Anyway, I think Cathe works hard, and she looks fantastic for it.
I feel for you Patti

Obesity and diabetes runs all through my family and I've got a lot of good reason to stay as fit as I can. Lately, I've felt much more determined to lose my extra fat, a big project, and eat better in general (maybe it has something to do with not being able to wear a lot of my clothes, that's always a good motivator). I really think food addiction has got to be one of the hardest compulsive behaviors to continually deal with, because you can't just quit eating. Alcoholics should quit drinking, drug users should quit using, smokers should quit smoking, etc..., but you can't quit eating. Not that it's easy to overcome any of those things, but food addiction definitely has dimensions all it's own. To get into a mentality where you can eat everything you need without feeling guilty, and at the same time without feeling like you're depriving yourself is so important. But obviously, that's easier said than done.

I've tried saying "if I don't eat that, it will be all the fewer calories and fat grams I have to burn off later" and "I don't really want that piece of cheesecake anyway" and let's not forget the classic "a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips". Whew! So much good food, so little space to store it! Oh yeah, if only!

One thing that helps me is to see how people in less "decadent" countries eat. Not that everyone in the US and the rest of the west are all gluttons, but food isn't taken so for granted in much of the rest of the world. Plus which, the US is really notorious for junk food consumption. Being able to see "real food" as a gift and a tool, rather than an obsession and a crutch, is so refreshing.

I hope for lots of strength and health for you, Patti. It sounds like you know a thing or two about losing weight, I have confidence that you will reach your goals!
Cathe's Bodyfat

Hi Sandi! In order for Cathe to look the way she does, I think I remember her saying that before she had Eric, she was doing 4 to 5 sets of each exercise with 15 reps. for each set. That's generally what bodybuilders do and they spend a lot of time in the gym to achieve that look. She might've also done a split routine, which is working back, biceps and abs in the morning and then leg work in the afternoon besides doing all that cardio with her classes. She also said and she can correct me if I'm wrong, that she incorporated more protein into her diet while lessening the carbs which is what you have to do in order to get bigger (more muscular). With the PS series tapes, however, she's gotten leaner but less muscular. I think this is because she didn't have the time any longer to devote to all this strength training. I think she did more cardio when the PS series came out. Since having Eric let's face it, none of us with children has a whole lot of time to go into the gym and spend more than a couple of hours a day. Our time is quite limited and that's why she came up with this new plan to work cardio for 30 min. and then blast one muscle group a day. She said herself she only has 45 min. to devote to herself. As far as her bodyfat is concerned, she just has inherited genetically a very lean, muscular physique (I'm guessing) from her mother. And yes her body is to die for! I'd love to look like her but unfortunately I never will due to the genes that I've inherited from both of my German parents. Sorry to be so long winded and I hope I answered all of your questions. Take care, Kathy

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