Cathe--I need help toning my legs!!!


Hi Cathe!!!
I have tried EVERYTHING:( to tone my legs (squats, lunges, etc.)along with step aerobics, of course, but nothing has worked! I'm going to the beach in a couple of weeks and I need to firm up these legs--and fast!! What do you suggest? I've seen a lot of chat about your leaner legs video--is that the ticket? If so, how often?
Hi Ashley! I have to be honest and say that a couple of weeks is really not enough time to find out what you legs will respond too plus see a huge difference in that time. But if a couple of weeks are all you have then I would say if you have never done Leaner Legs before, chances are your legs will react simply because it is something new to shock your system. While it still has squats and lunges (exercises you said have not worked for you) the workout will do them in an order, pace, and rep style that is different from what you are used to...which is a good thing.

Also, try to do about 400 (non-weighted) walking lunges and the stability ball portion of Pyramid Lower Body two times per week.

Side Note: Remember that your legs will initially swell slightly after your first few workouts while they heal so really increase your water intake and help promote the healing process.

Try to eat as healthy and clean as possible too. This will make the biggest difference of all in a two week period.

Sample Two Week Workout:
Drink LOTS of water throughout the day, everyday!

Monday: Leaner Legs
Tues: Cardio
Wed: 400 walking lunges plus ball work in Pyramid Lower Body
Thurs: Cardio
Fri: Leaner Legs
Sat: Rest
Sun: Cardio plus 400 walking lunges plus ball work in PLB

Mon: High Intensity Cardio
Tues: Leaner Legs plus PLB ball segment
Wed: High Intensity Cardio
Thurs: Leaner Legs plus 400 walking lunges
Fri: Cardio plus PLB ball segment
Sat: Rest
Sun: Rest to the beach. Have a great time
Oh, my. I was patting myself on the back because I was doing 100 walking lunges with 3-5 lbs weightsx( .

Well, tomorrow's the day for 400:+ .
Hi Candi! Please remember that this is a very short term 2 week program to help shake up unresponsive legs. I wouldn't recommend that many on a regular basis. 100 to 200 lunges a couple of times per week is plenty. Take care!
Can someone please explain to me what walking lunges are? Are they similar to the ones in Supersets(the ones done in the last set without equipment). If not please explain the form I need to do these. Thank-you, Helen:)
helen- I'm with you- what are walking lunges? I thought it might be the ones where you lunge front then back>????
I took the liberty of copying a post (see below) where Cathe describes the walking lunge. I've done them in the gym on a VEEEEERY slow moving treadmill and the mere thought of 400 of them boggles my mind, but I've already written down this rotation and I'm going for it!

The Walking Lunge
This exercise requires a lot of space so you may need to take this outside in your driveway or somewhere that allows you to travel a straight distance of say 40 to 50 feet.

How to do it:
Stand with feet hip width apart, legs straight, abdominals contracted, and core muscles engaged. Keep torso centered between both legs as you take a generous step forward with the right foot, bending both knees to 90 degree angles. The right knee stays in line with the right ankle and rear thigh is perpendicular to the floor. The left (or in this case the rear knee) will point to the floor but never make contact with it. Continue to walk forward alternating lead legs until you have alternated the lead for 16 rep's per side. Do up to three walking sets if possible. Remember that even though you are moving forward in this lunge, you need to keep your stride within the range of a standard forward lunge, therefore keeping the lunging motion vertical and upright. As you step forward, sink down and feel the hips lower down as the quads and hamstrings activate. Then push off the back foot to propel forward to the other lead leg.
Thank-you very much Letswork!:) This is exactly what I needed to know. Now where can I do this without someone thinking I'm nuts:). I might walk like this around my neighborhood. Helen
I just want everyone to know that I did my 350 walking lunges yesterday, and today my butt is so sore--the good kind of sore where you know that you did some good!!!
Good for you Ahsley:+

I managed 200 yesterday after about 15 minutes of hamstring and glute work and I really felt it also.:7 Interestingly, later on in the day I felt it in my calves. Didn't expect that:p
Ashley and Candi...

I am planning to do these tomorrow at a local high school track. How far would you say 400 lunges would take me around a track. I loathe the thought of counting them out. I'd rather say "I'm going to do ___ laps."

I was thinking of sprinting one length, recovery around the corner and do walking lunges for the other straight away.

Let me know your thoughts.

Thanks ladies. Keep it up!

Well, you could get in a lunge position and measure how many feet your spread is and then get the footage of the school track and do the math. It's been a real long time since I've been exposed to a school track so I'm not going to be too much help here. Sorry!

I don't know what distance it took for the lunges. I went to my parents' house b/c they have a really long driveway. I would do 50 at a time and stop for 1 minute to stretch so that my legs wouldn't cramp up. It actually helped me to count b/c it gave me something to focus on--so I would just go ahead and count them out!! Make your goal 50, stop for a minute to stretch, then another 50, and so on. Good luck!!!
Well, yesterday I did 150 walking lunges for the first time, being mindful not to let my knees extend past my toes, but my knees are bothering me today. I've never had any issues with my knees and am just wondering if it's normal to feel that way till you get used to it. Any thoughts?

Thanks, Donna :7

I was wondering if your noticing any changes in your legs with the lunge rotation?

I recently started adding 100 walking lunges to my leg work, and I'm sore for DAYS after!!! This is with NO weights!!! They must be doing something for me!! Mindi
Thanks brainsgirl! When I get really close to the last few pounds off, that will probably be just what I need. My upper thighs hang in there a long time.

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