Cathe, I have a great idea


Hi Cathe,
Not that you need to increase your fan base, but I have to tell you, I have discovered a new group who may be interested in your videos. I've had a long week of health problems, but the highlight of my week was yesterday when, for the first time in my life, the doctor was able to find a vein in my arm to draw blood without poking me 5 or 6 times and sometimes never finding a vein at all! I started doing your strength tapes a few months ago and this made the difference.

Tired of having your veins disappear with even the thought of a needle? No need to worry because now the doctor can have all the blood she wants with just 1 stick! Hard to believe? Well believe this--just do Cathe Friedrich's PS series a couple of times a week and in just 2 short months, you too can have friendly, cooperative veins. So don't wait! Order your tapes now and never have to dread that needle again!

What do you think? New campaign

I know this is kind of silly, but you have no idea what a joy it was to just have 1 hole in my arm and no bruises. Thank you so much for doing what you do.
LB - You have confirmed my theory!

LB, I am a big proponent of weight training and when I have any venipuncture done, from at my doctor's office to donating blood, they never have trouble finding my veins. I had suspected it had something to do with weight training!

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