Cathe - High Step Challenge Question


Active Member
About how much of the workout uses the bands?

Could someone easily substitute dumbbells?

Also, I think the wrong pictures are posted. If you click on "High Step Challenge" and then click on any of the pictures, the description at the top, in the address bar (or whatever it's called) says "muscle max"
to answer your question about subbing dumbells for the bands...I don't how much she uses it and how, but I've subbed dumbells for the bands before. So, I'm thinking that we might be able to do this as well.

Bands don't cost a whole can get them at any sporting goods store. I'm wondering where we can buy the ones she is using?? Does anyone know???

take care:)
If you have ordered the 10 or 11 DVD of Hardcore you will received a resistance band free.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:) :)

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