Cathe fan needs advice on what to purchase to reach goal


Need fitness advice. Am 46, 5'4'', 134 lbs. Want to lose 10 more pounds. Lift serious free weights and do machine work along with Cathe videos for cardio. Feeling stagnant right now. The only two items of Cathe's I do not have are CTX and the new Intensity series. Have the muscle def I want but need to lose some bodyfat. I have stayed away from Cathe's weight workouts in favor of heavier lifting. Who has experience with both and what worked for you? Diet is six small meals a day; protien and complex carb at each. Of course I do indulge in a cheat day once a week! Which of the above two sets will help me and if I try Cathe weight workout will I lose the muscle I have gained by lifting heavy?
I cannot really say I have experience here, as I have never lifted "heavy" in a gym. But, I will say you will never know if you do not try!! I don't think you will lose muscle training with Cathe. You will for sure maintain it at the very least and you will get extra calorie burn from the faster pace. Maybe you just need more cardio. What is your current schedule like?? To me, it doesn't really look like you need to lose weight. Especially if you are very muscular as a result of your training. Have you ever had your body fat checked. Maybe that is a better pathway for you....

Thanks Janice for your input. There's an upcoming helath seminar at work and measuring body fat is one of the items on the agenda so I will definitely do that. I just wondered of the two series, CTX or Intensity, if one would be better than the other for fat-burning. Frankie
I would say the Intensity Series is more diverse in what it has to offer but I like both CTX & the Intensity series. I'm going to give the Body Blast rotation a try again in April. We'll see what it does for my body.

Definitely be sure to get ENOUGH calories to loose weight now matter which series you decide on.
Fitness goddess,

Thanks for the input. I am afraid of eating even though I could do it 24 hours a day. I was at around 1800 to 2000 calories a day on the six small meals but I seem to be gaining so I am going to cut back to about 1500 and see if it helps. What's your feeling on this? Sometimes it seems as if no matter how right I do things I gain, and conversely, no matter how wrong I do things I lose at other times. Hormones? Or just a misperception of what I am doing/eating when I gain or lose? Either way this last 10 pounds is getting me discouraged and that I don't like!

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