Cathe, do you feel catagorized?


I realize that may be a odd question, but with the new workouts coming up, do you feel that you can teach more that what you are known for? I feel that Cathe workouts are recognized and trusted so even if you haven't spent your lifetime studying yoga or pilates( or anything else for that matter), I trust you to put out advanced workouts that will challenge the most advanced exerciser, in a safe, effective manner. Not that I do not love IMAX 2 or MIS, but I would love to see what you would do with a power yoga type workout. Maybe, in the future do a power yoga type workout on the same DVD with a relaxing yoga stretch type workout. I would love to see what you would do with a kettlebell, but that would require another piece of equipment.;-) I really love the SS idea, it sounds like it would be a really fun workout. I am eagerly awaiting the new releases coming up!

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