Cathe-diet tips needed!


New Member

I'm a new user but I've been doing your fit tv workouts for a while now. As of February of 2006 I've been doing them at least four days a week. I do a cardio routine Mon, a weight-training routine Tues, cardio wed, and weights Thursday. I am not super scheduled with which workouts I do on those of now, it kind of depends on what comes next on my dvr list. I do an pilates or stretchmax routine on Fridays.

My question concerns diet. I have noticed a definite change in my body since I've started doing your routines but even though my arms have bulked up a bit, I am not pleased with the muscle tone. I would like them to be a little more defined. I put this down to diet...I don't eat horribly but I could use some tips for sure. Or possibly, you could give me some tips for getting the most out of my work-outs.

Can you recommend some things for me? I am 31 years old, I weigh around 130 lbs and I'm about 5'7".

I hope this isnt too lengthy.

Ashley Westmoreland
Not, Cathe, but she may not answer much in the way of diet (She doesn't mean this as an offense). You may try doing a search (on Ask Cathe board) on diet with a sample of her diet on a given day. She always suggests eating "clean" and avoiding processed foods. This would be a good question on the open forum, as other people may have suggestions for you (from their experiences). Remember, everyone is different, but clean eating is always a factor. I live by the motto, "Everything in Moderation!" This means I eat pretty clean, but if I want a Snickers, I will work for it and eat one (not two or three in a day). If you eat pretty healthy and work-out it is okay to have a small cheat every now and then. In fact, if you deprive yourself then you are likely to overindulge. Good luck.

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