Cathe, diastisis recti question


Hi Cathe,
I remember reading one of your previous posts in which you discussed that you had to deal with diastisis recti post partum. My little guy is just over 10 weeks and although I was able to start exercising again soon after receiving the new series (I've definitely had to work up to them - thanks so much for including such a variety of premixes!), I've discovered that I also have a diastisis recti. Mine is a 2 finger widths separation directly underneath my navel. I'm a physical therapist and have a pretty good understanding of the anatomy, cause, recommended exercises, and precautions that go along with DR. However, I work in more of a rehab setting with elderly patients and don't have much firsthand experience treating this post partum condition. I wondered if there were any specific exercises that you found were more helpful than others in treating this, and how long it took before you felt your was healed? I've been really focusing on activating my transverse abdominals with all core work to prevent it from worsening (and hopefully help with the healing process). Thanks so much for any info you might be able to provide - you're truly an inspiration to all of us!:)

Hi Rebecca! Congratulations on your new bundle of joy!

I actually was never able to fully repair my split (above my navel) and have so far opted against a surgical repair because of how extensive and invasive it is.

I tried the recommended exercises in the book, Essential Postpartum Exercises, by Elizabeth Noble, who is also physical therapist and saw some improvement. I remember hearing that it is important to stay away from all exercises that would encourage the split (ie: oblique exercises and even daily living exercises such as reaching across to put on a seat belt or rotating your body to backout of a parking spot).

For now, I find all transverse work (ie: planks) helpful in maintaining good overall strength, however, no matter how strong my core is, I still find that I have a certain degree of sensitivity and weakness during certain times of the month (in which at those times, holding in my abs or standing up straight brings on mild back and shoulder spasms). This is the one reason I have not fully ruled out surgical repair but am still strongly leaning in the direction of NOT having it done.

Good Luck to you with your "repair work". Keep me posted!
Not Cathe, but another great book is called "Bouncing Back after Baby". Check the pregnancy section on this site, as I posted something awhile ago and Sheila gave me great tips.

BTW...CONGRATS on your baby!!!!

One more thing: I am almost three months pp after twins (I was HUGE) and my diastatis is practically gone. I still have a little bit of hanging skin, but that is almost gone, too. Don't worry - time will help a lot. (I thought I would never get back into shape)
We may never be the same, but it can be great again. JUST LOOK AT CATHE!!!!!! :)
Cathe, just wondered if the abdominal exercises in your beg/int dvd's (Basic Step and Low impact Step) are considered "safe" to do if you do have diastasis recti?



Ryan born 1/2/07
Emma born 4/27/03
Alex born 9/7/01
Thank you so much for the personal response. I'm sorry to hear that you still experience discomfort and weakness. Looking at your appearance, one would never guess that your ab region is anything but perfect! :) I really hope that you're able to avoid surgery. My recovery after my 2 c-sections went fairly well, but agree with your feeling that surgery would absolutely be a last resort.

Thanks for the tip on Elizabeth Noble's book - I'll have to check it out. I was fortunate to attend one of her lectures a few years ago. She is one of the pioneers of the Women's Health Specialty in Physical Therapy and is truly considered an expert in her field. I will continue to focus on my transverse work and see how I progress.

Jennifit, congrats on the twins. Wow, amazing that you can even think about exercising with two little ones to take care of. I'm happy to hear that you're diastisis is continuing to get better - maybe there's hope for me too!

Hi Rebecca,

Just wanted to jump in here to tell you I used Julie Tupler's "Losing Your Mummy Tummy" book and DVD after I had my twins, and my diastisis is almost completely gone. She deals mainly with diastisis and her book/DVD is very informative. I've posted more in the pregnancy forum on this before, if you want to do a search and read about it. She also has a website:

Hope that helps,


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