Cathe Compendium

Greeneyed - there isn't an update. Just the original one that you probably already have.

Mary - it's a listing of all Cathe's workouts up to an including the Hardcore series, broken down many different ways (type of workout, equipment used, all premixes listed, etc.). If you'd like a copy, just get me your e-mail address.
Hey, I just got it. Thank you!! It's very cool!

Actually, it's different from the document someone sent me a couple years back. Back then someone sent me an Excel spreadsheet which broke down every move in every DVD through the Intensity Series. *That* took a lot of work, too.

Hats off to Catheites for their dedication and creativity. :7
oops. double post[/img][/img]
[font size=1]We must BE the change we wish to see.

can you send it to me too? [email protected]

[font size=1]We must BE the change we wish to see.


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