Cathe - Can you recommend a personal trainer in PA/NJ area?


Active Member

I absolutely love your videos! In addition to your videos, I would like to work with a personal trainer a few times per week. I wish I could work with you one-on-one : ) but you're FAR too busy for that!

So I was hoping I could get the next best thing which would be a recommendation from you for a personal trainer in the PA/NJ area. I live in Pennsylvania, approximately 20 minutes outside of Philadelphia, so I'm hoping for someone who can come directly to my home or who I can meet up with somewhere in the Greater Philadelphia Area for a few sessions per week.

I realize you have wonderful personal trainers at your club in Glassboro, but Glassboro is a tad too far from my home to realistically work out there a few times per week.

Do you know of any personal trainers that cover the Greater Philadelphia Area and who meet your standards of excellence? If not a particular individual, do you have a resource, such as a website for personal trainers, that you would strongly recommend?

Any help would be GREATLY GREATLY appreciated!

Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope to hear back : )

All the best,
Hi Alison.

Not Cathe but I am a personal trainer and I too live about 15min ouside of Philadelphia and I also work out to Cathe!!!


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