Cathe bobblehead doll....

No please....I do not want to see the mass commercialization (not to mention cheesy-ness) of Cathe.
HA! Jerry - that would be SO could say something like "Put your game face on"...OR "You can do anything for a minute":7
BWAHAHAHAHAHA! That's hysterical!

Jerry--Cathe used to have mugs. I actually have one. It's super awesome. I drink my coffee out of it every morning like a total dork. I got it at the RT last year. Maybe she'll have more for us in July! The handle broke off of mine so I'd love a new one.

Trust me--they'll have lots of dorky things for us to buy at the RT....

I'm a sucker for all things Cathe. I can't help it. I think a Bobblehead would be hilarious!


I figure since I'm not exactly the target audience for the Cathe t-shirts and hats....:7 ...I need a little something for my desktop at home.

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