Cathe April rotation check in - 4/21/03


How did your week go, SusanZ? When we left off last, you were about to go do Boot Camp for the second time in three days. My secnd Boot Camp was yesterday, so I'm a little behind you now. And you have already done the killer muscle endurance week and I still have that to look forward (?) to. But to back up a little, last Monday I did CIA 7002, Christie Taylor. I believe I said last week that I purposely picked this because I was saving my energy for BodyMax, which I did do last Tuesday. And YOWZA that is the one that wipes me out. I had not done it in 6 months and I had sore pieces and parts for a couple of days. On Wednesday I finished the week up with the Stability ball portion of PLB and then did the abs from PUB so I could keep using the ball. I added on Abs from all step to keep the total minutes to around 15. Thursday was an AHHHHH rest day. Then Boot Camp Friday and Imax 2 on Saturday and Boot camp on Sunday. Yes it is true that squat thrust climbers ARE terminator climbers! This morning I got up to MIS. I believe Cathe had this as a rest day, but I'm pushing my rest day ahead because I know I will be out of town next Sunday morning and will not be able to work out. (Gee its gonna make me sad to get that rest day between one ME and the next!) I won't be back to the computer til next Tuesday so I won't be checking in til then. *****I am so glad that you were encouraging about trying this rotation because I am really having a lot of fun with it. And NEVER bored. How did your week go? You probably have started the CTX/LL week. I think you said you just got CTX. How do you like it? I'm still wondering if anyone else followed this rotation - or their version of it...
Have a great week! - joy
I too am having fun with this rotation and now it's almost over!!
My last week went like this:
Mon: Bootcamp(ouch)
Tues: run/walk 45mn
Wed: Bootcamp(better the 2nd day!)
Fri: MIS( went heavier than usual,lil'sore in upper body after)
Sat: NordicTrack skier(45 mns)
Today I started the week with Leaner Legs. I haven't done this one in a while so I was reminded of how tough it can be! Looking forward to doing CTX upper body for the 1st time tomorrow! Susan

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