Cathe and P90X rotation combo



I found this post from awhile back and asked the same question in the video rotation forum, but I thought I would get more replies here. Has anyone tried this particular rotation? I'm interested in hearing anyone's personal results from it. It looks pretty sound to me, but I agree with another poster that I would probably switch it so that the leg routine would be in the middle of the week between the two upper body workouts (one being at the beginning of the week and the other near the end). Here it is:

Hybrid 90-day Rotation using P90X and Cathe Hardcore Series:

Phase 1 - Week 1-3 (Tony upper and legs&back; Cathy Cardio, Cathy abs):
Sunday: P90X Chest & Back, Cathe Coremax #1
Monday: Cathe Imax 3
Tuesday: P90X Shoulders & Arms, Cathe Coremax # 2
Wednesday: Cathe High Step Challenge
Thursday: P90X Legs & Back, Cathe Coremax # 3
Friday: Cathe Kick Max
Saturday: P90X X-Stretch or Rest

Phase 1 - Week 4 (recovery):
Sunday: Cathe Low Max
Monday: P90X Core
Tuesday: Cathe Stretch Max
Wednesday: P90X Yoga-X
Thursday: Cathe Core Max #1,2 and 3
Friday: P90X Kempo-X
Saturday: P90X X-Stretch or Rest

Phase 2 - Week 5-7: (Cathy upper and legs, Tony Cardio and abs)
Sunday: Cathe Gym Style Back, P90X Ab Ripper-X
Monday: P90X Plyometrics
Tuesday: Cathe Shoulders & Biceps, P90X Ab Ripper-X
Wednesday: P90X Yoga-X
Thursday: Cathe Gym Style Legs, P90X Ab Ripper-X
Friday: P90X Kempo-X
Saturday: P90X X-Stretch or Rest

Phase 2 - Week 8 (recovery):
Sunday: Cathe Low Max
Monday: Cathe Core Max #1,2 and 3
Tuesday: P90X X-Stretch
Wednesday: P90X Kempo-X
Thursday: P90X Core
Friday: P90X Yoga-X
Saturday: Cathe Stretch Max or Rest

Hybrid 90-day Rotation using P90X and Cathe Hardcore Series

Phase 3 – Weeks 9-12: (Alternate Tony and Cathy)
Weeks 9,11 (P90X Upper):
Sunday: P90X Chest, Shoulders & Triceps, Cathe Coremax #1
Monday: Cathe Imax 3
Tuesday: P90X Back & Biceps, Cathe Coremax #2
Wednesday: Cathe High Step Challenge
Thursday: P90X Legs & Back, Cathe Coremax #3
Friday: Cathe Kick Max
Saturday: P90X X-Stretch or Rest

Weeks 10,12 (Cathe Upper):
Sunday: Cathe Gym Style Chest & Triceps, P90X Ab Ripper-X
Monday: P90X Plyometrics
Tuesday: Cathe Muscle Max, P90X Ab Ripper-X
Wednesday: P90X Kempo-X
Thursday: Cathe Gym Style Legs, P90X Ab Ripper-X
Friday: P90X Yoga-X
Saturday: P90X X-Stretch or Rest

Phase 2 - Week 13 (recovery):
Sunday: Cathe Low Max
Monday: P90X Core
Tuesday: Cathe Stretch Max
Wednesday: P90X Yoga-X
Thursday: Cathe Core Max #1,2 and 3
Friday: P90X Kempo-X
Saturday: P90X X-Stretch or Rest

Be seeing you,
The Duck

What did all of you Post-Xers do? I'm feeling a little lost after being on a strict 90 day rotation.:-( Your input on what you did and your results with what you decided on would be appreciated. I would love to keep building on my muscle gains, but I'm soooo ready for Cathe!! Thanks so much!!;-)

Your rotation looks good to me - I printed it out for future use (I hope you don't mind!). I'll be starting P90X tomorrow. As a veteran P90x'er, do you have any advice? Is it as hard as they say, or should I be ok since I've been doing Cathe so long? Did you get bored doing the same 12 workouts for 90 days? That's my biggest concern - I have a very low boredom threshold!

Thanks for the rotation and the advice!
i continue with the classics rotation but sometimes do cathe cardio instead of plyox or cardio and weights on same day. never omit yogax and sometimes add in cathe that day. for legs and back i alternate cathe circuit workouts like drill max,bodymax,etc but do pullups in place of some of the upper body. on the 6th day cathe kb or some other

Noliboli - I can't take credit for the workout routine posted. I cut and pasted it from another thread.

I think you will be just fine with P90X. It is so exciting in the beginning because you can feel your body changing. However, I was really itching for some Cathe towards the end. Surprisingly though, the 90 days went by very quickly. I only workout about an hour a day, so I have not done a Cathe workout in 90 days!;( Guess what I will be doing tomorrow???;-) Anyways, I lost 14 pounds, lost 2 inches in my hips, 3.5 inches in my waist and 2 inches in my chest. I did not follow the X diet, but followed an 1800 calorie diet with lots of protein instead and still had great results. However, my diet was a train wreck before starting the X. My post P90X pictures are amazing compared to the starting ones. I have ab definition now! So, you will be rewarded by sticking to the program in my opinion. Others have also done well switching it up now and then though. Have fun with it!!:)

Wow- 14 lbs??? that's about what I need to lose. My diet is also a train wreck - especially knowing that I'm starting anew tomorrow. I've been REALLY bad this weekend. Last minute binging is soooo stupid, I know, but I'm all set for tomorrow. the X diet seems restrictive at first but I'm gonna try and see if I can do it. We'll see... Thanks for the great advice! :7
Good luck with your new exercise and eating program. Just thought you might be interested in this tid bit too - Amy posted the website a while back and that's the site I use to log in my food on a daily basis. It has really helped me control my eating and increase my awareness. If the X diet doesn't work out for you, maybe this will do the trick - it sure did for me!

Best wishes ;-)


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