Cathe ? about taller people and definition


I am new to your workouts, but must say that I really love them and am anxiously awaiting Hardcore like everyone else. My question is this. Even though I am getting definition in my arms, it is not a great definition if you know what I mean. I have heard before that if you are taller and have longer limbs that you will not get the definition that a shorter armed person will get. Is this true? What would you recommend that I do to increase my definition other than a clean diet etc. I am 5'7" and have long legs and arms. Thanks and I love your workouts!
Hi Kathy! It all comes down to your genetics when determining how defined or developed you can ultimately get. That's not to say that you can't improve your blueprint but it will require a continued commitment to get maximal results. Some suggestions: Be sure that you eat quality protein with your balanced meals every couple of hours, workout hard and heavy every other day, get quality sleep, don't overdue cardio, and drink lots of water every day. Stay focused:)
Cathe, a follow-up question please

I know that you don't like to answer specific diet & nutrition questions, but your advice to Kathy to "eat quality protein with your balanced meals every couple of hours" reminds me of a question, actually a wee problem, I struggle with, and maybe you'll offer me a couple of suggestions?? ;-)

I'm doing pretty well recently with my goal of eating five to six small "meal-ettes" a day, but I am having a tough time finding a variety of protein sources, especially those that would be good to grab "on the fly." Eating that often means that I am not able to stop and prepare, much less cook; a lot of my meal-ettes are sort of expanded snacks.

I know that you follow this kind of several-smaller-meals approach to eating, and how busy you are. What do you keep on hand at home and at the club for your "quality protein"?

Educated crowd, your ideas are welcome, too!

Thanks SO much, Cathe, and welcome back -- we have sure missed you!!!

P.S. I'm tracking my workout days this year and, as you can see from my little counter below, I got WAY sidetracked (on January 13) by a badly sprained ankle and tailbone (fell off my step doing CircuitMax, I'm embarrassed to say). But today I was finally and cautiously able to do some elliptical trainer for zero impact and cardio, and UB and abs too -- it feels so good to be recovering!!!! Kathy S.
[font color=green]2005 Worked Out With Cathe Days 14/25/365
Thank you so much for the quick response! I am getting the meals and protein as well as the sleep and water. What I am not doing is working hard and heavy every other day. I do it 2x per week and I do alot of cardio. Thank you so much for your advice. I am going to heed it immediately and see what happens. Cannot wait for the hardcore. You are a fantastic instructor and you look fabulous! Thanks again.
RE: Cathe, a follow-up question please

Kathy S., I just wanted to say that I am very sorry to hear (read) that you injured yourself! I am so glad that you are recovering successfully and able to get some form of exercise in! I hate it when I'm "forced" to take it easy! No fun at all! Take it easy.

Oh, once I bit the big one doing IMAXII, blast of Interval 6, the straddle taps. I flew back really hard, landed flat! Didn't hurt but shocked me, woke me up from my daze. I pay much closer attention when doing those now!

Thanks Sarah!

I really appreciate your sweet post and encouragement! I SO hear you about IMAX II -- It'll be a while before I'm brave enough to tackle Interval 6 -- the step and the ankle together are intimidating now, and heck, that was always an intimidating interval for me! A fun one, but one where I have to watch my klutzy feet so carefully! Kathy S.
[font color=green]2005 Worked Out With Cathe Days 14/25/365
RE: Cathe, a follow-up question please

Chicken and egg whites are highly portable, and both taste good cold. I cook mine the night before, and have a huge lunch cooler I tote around with me. In it today were 3 containers of chicken, each housing a 4 oz portion; one big container of raw spinach leaves; 1 medium container of raw baby bell peppers in assorted colors plus grape tomatoes, 1 small container with 3 servings of walnuts (1 oz = serving), and 1 large container with 10 boiled egg whites.

My lunch box is Ozark Trail, and it measures about 12" wide X 14" deep. "Wally World" $9.99. Good investment!
You guys all left out my favorite protein source, tuna! even with jsut a little salt and pepper, a can of tuna can't be beat for a lean proteiin source.:9
>You guys all left out my favorite protein source, tuna! even
>with jsut a little salt and pepper, a can of tuna can't be
>beat for a lean proteiin source.:9

You are's a VERY good protein source. I just can't choke it down, LOL. The new marinated pouches are better (IMO), but it's still a hard fish to swallow. LOL I'll take orange roughy any day! Too bad it's so dang expensive!!

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