Caribbean Workout

Hey All! I was pleasantly surprised to find a Caribbean Workout Kickbox DVD with 4 workouts on it and wondered if they have produced any others. This one has 2 step Kickbox and 2 floor Kickbox all with Shelley McDonald (my second favourite fitness instructor;-) ). Have you seen any other Caribbean Workouts out there?

Kathryn, I know you really enjoy their workouts and thought you might be interested. I found mine at Walmart.

Take Care
Yes, there are more Caribbean workouts. There is an aerobics
DVD which has 4 workouts on it, 2 of them low impact aerobics
and the other 2 hi-lo workouts. They are a lot of fun.
I don't how they would compare to Cathe's cardio since I just
do her weight work but I like them a lot. There are also 2
pilates videos, one just called pilates and the other pilates
plus which I found in a set at Walmart. I got my kickboxing
and aerobics DVD's from Barnes & Noble online, since they didn't
have those at the Walmart in my area, just the pilates ones.
I haven't really done the pilates one so I can't really comment.
One thing to be said about all of them, the scenery is spectacular!

Are you talking about the David Snively guy? I think he was involved in Caribbean workouts at one point. I have a DVD that I got because it's something different- you can choose 20 minute segments you want to do, mix and match.
I got it at for $13. It's got beautiful scenery, but the workouts aren't super tough. Custom Fit Interactive Training.
Yeah Amy, same show different host. David Snively came after Shelley but I haven't really warmed up (no pun intended) to him although he knows his stuff and gives the viewer lots of variety, he sure loves his bosu. The DVD I have isn't chaptered and doesn't offer any mix and match.

Thanks Teedums, I'll keep an eye out for more of these, nice to know they are out there, now it's all about the thrill of the hunt! :)

Take Care
Just wanted to let you know that David Snively actually hosted before Shelley. She started as one of the backup exercisers and then took over when David left. Is David back hosting the show and has Shelley left. How long are the segments on the DVD.

BTW Caribbean workout was/is (I am not sure if it still is) filmed in Barbados which is where I am from.

>Kathryn, I know you really enjoy their workouts and thought
>you might be interested. I found mine at Walmart.

Thanks, Laurie!
I'll have to look.
I've got this kickboxing workout in my queue at Netflix so I can check it out.
I really like Shelley as well.
I know the Pilates workout is lead by some other woman (Jennifer Tilly--same naem, but not same person, as the actress), with Shelley serving as the exercise model.
Thanks Shawna, I didn't realise that, I discovered this show about 2 or 3 years ago and liked it right away, that scenery gets me every time. The segments are about 20-25 minutes. I like them because they don't fill the commercial slots with anything and just continue with the workout. I ordered some of Charlene Prickett's 'It Figures' videos year ago and was disappointed and mildly irritated that she filled the commercials with fitness chit chat.

Kathryn, I chuckled at the Jennifer Tilley reference, I'm imagining the actresses' Betty Boop voice and spinney demeanour leading a Pilates workout, it might work as a Saturday Night Live skit, funny but not conducive to a focussed Pilates session:).

Take Care
The Custom Fit Interactive Training DVD has "over 1800 combinations" of workouts- there are really about 12 different 20-minute segments you put together however you want. The DVD lets you watch a 20, 40, or 60 minute segment you assemble each time. Netflix has it.

He doesn't use a bosu ball on the DVD- he uses a stability ball, resistance tube, barbells, step, and medicine ball as far as I can recall.

It said on the back "David Snively of Caribbean Workout" so I don't think he's back with the CW- seems he's busted out on his own. The entire DVD is shot in Barbados... so you'd feel right at home. It isn't nearly as tough as Cathe's workouts. :)

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