Cardio variety


I just reaquired the CTX series, and while I think the concept is really good (though the DVD case is not..but that's another story:( ) , it inspired me to make some suggestions for the upcoming (?) 4-day split series that is supposed to be similar to it.

One thing I have issue with in CTX is that 4 of the 6 workouts include step, and high-impact step at that, which for me is not enough variety to avoid the risk of overuse injuries (so I have to modify). In the new series, I'd love to see more of a variety of cardio, such as:

1-interval step (this takes care of the 'high-impact step' niche)
2-kickboxing (low impact, high intensity)
3-low-impact step
4-low-impact floor cardio ('sports' cardio, using a medicine ball to add intensity without impact as well as upper-body resistance)

Another modality that could be used is rebounding (which I'd LOVE to see, but not everyone has, or is willing to get, a rebounder, which make it a less desirable choice to include in a workout series, BUT would make it fine for a stand-alone workout---gotta put another plug in for it!).
This looks good. I have a rebounder that needs dusting off, maybe others do as well. Lets go for it.


"If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all."
-My mother, Mary Cooper-

I definitely agree with the mixing up of workouts. I have to limit the use of the step to only 2 times per week and only 1 or 2 high impacts per week to avoid overuse injuries. I haven't used a rebounder before, but if there was an opportunity to do so I would try it.

Some other options may be incorporating a BOSU into the workouts. Some people can use the step, while others can use the BOSU. This would allow people who have both to choose, and those with only one to still utilize the video. BTW, I have seen this on CIA's Double Cardio.

Great input...

P.S. Also, liked your idea of music selections. I do like the club music with big beat over top 40s for my workout.

Have a wonderful weekend:)
Bringing this back to the top, as the 4-day split series is coming up (when? I don't know, but I hope within a few months? Please, Cathe? Take a nice break for a month, then come back strong!)
As always, you have a great idea.

I also want the rebounder incorrporated in here. Rebounders are all over the place, even the second hand stores. It is very easy to get your hands on one of them. I think many people give up on rebounders because there are not many good workouts for them. Hopefully Cathe will indulge us and solve this dilemma.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.
P.S. I know that I gave ideas for 5 (or 6, if rebounding is counted) types of cardio, for a 4-day split. It's not necessarily bad math (LOL!). The extra cardio could be an add-on option that could be substituted for any of the other cardio segments.
>WAY TOO MUCH low impact here for my taste, but I do like the
>variety concept.

I agree...

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