Cardio tapes question...


I usually work out with your tapes 4 to 5 days a week, most recently with the ctx series. I am a clean eater, more or less. I have found, though, I can not get the same cut, lean look with cardio tapes, as I can with running and working out with weights. My question is, I know you have indicated running leans you out as well, but have you found any particular cardio tape or combination that gives you the same look? Since my body tends to react more to running should I make sure my tape workouts are very intense in order to see a difference? Any advice would be greatly appreciated as we are closing in on bathing suit season:-wow
i have often wondered the same thing-- its so cold here and not motivating at all to go for a run.. what combo of cardio tapes might provide the same benefit as running?
Hi Jackier! Although everybody will respond differently to certain workouts, I found that I can only get true "running" results from running itself. The second best thing for me though is interval/circuit workouts such as Body Max, Circuit Max, Interval Max. When I work my hardest with those tapes, I find that I get some of the similar results that running provides me. But on the flip side, a lot of running seems to smooth out my muscles. Therefore, I find what works best for me is a variety of cardio activities in addition to weight training per week. Good Luck!
RE: Cardio tapes one more

Thanks so much for the response!!! The way workouts affect our bodies are very much alike. I wasn't sure if I was going to have to work out LONGER with the aerobics tapes. So glad to read your suggestion include tapes that not only I enjoy, (well, maybe not Bodymax), but they're average in length. When I work out with weights, I get cut in my arms and shoulders fairly quickly, but my legs need that extra cardio and then very little weight work because I like the smoother, cut look. One more question. Generally, will you see results quicker working out with all different kinds of cardio (running, rollerblading, tapes, etc.)every week? Or do results arise more from concentrating on a specific aerobic activity that you get better at and work more intensely at? In other words, do you get better results from having your body in a confused metabolic state, than an intense predictable workout? (Gosh, I hope that makes sense.)Thanks again. Jackie
Just moving up Jackie's question...

> One more question.
>Generally, will you see results
>quicker working out with all
>different kinds of cardio (running,
>rollerblading, tapes, etc.)every week?
>Or do results arise more
>from concentrating on a specific
>aerobic activity that you get
>better at and work more
>intensely at? In other
>words, do you get better
>results from having your body
>in a confused metabolic state,
>than an intense predictable workout?
> (Gosh, I hope that
>makes sense.)Thanks again. Jackie
RE: Cardio tapes one more

Hi Jackie! This is where that experimentation process kicks in. You will have to see which approach your body seems to respond better too.

You may also want to flip flop between the two approaches. For example, do three weeks of one specific cardio and vary the intensity, frequency, and duration. Then for two or three weeks do various cardio activities. Then for another three weeks, again, just focus on one specific cardio etc.

I will say, however, there are times when doing just one form of activity is better than cross training with various activities. That is when you are training for a specific competition. In this case it would be best to stick to the activity that will enhance your performance. For example, a person training to run a marathon should stick with running as their cardio focus in order to improve their overall running skills and technique.

Good Luck!
RE: Cardio tapes one more

I really appreciate you responding, as busy as I'm sure you are. I have had a tendency to stick with a specific routine, believing the harder I eventually am able to work out, the better the results. Since doing your CTX series, and seeing results more quickly, I do feel its time for me to incorporate more variety for results. You posted a rotation that included alot of variety for 4 weeks that included your tapes, running, and cycling, that appealed to me and I printed it out to use. So I'm anxious to see what happens. Thanks again for your time and attention. You're the BEST! Jackie
RE: Cardio tapes one more

HI Jackie and everyone else!
I was just wondering where the above-mentioned rotation is???
Thanks in advance,
Myra :)

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