cardio or weights first?


Hello all! I am new to the board, but have been a Cathe fan for quite some time. Quick question, is it more productive to do your cardio first or your strength training-- if you were to do, say, the first half of MIC and all of Power Hour? Does it matter which one you do first? I am just trying to maintain my current fitness level. Thanks in advance!

Lori Z
That is a good question.I don't know the scientific answer on that.I have heard that both are good.Just like everything else you hear.But I can tell you that from my experiences I have to do Cardio first.
If I am going to split the work out up and do weights in the morning and then cardio in the evening, then I am fine.But if I am going to do it all in 2 hours then I have to do my cardio first.If you are going to work out your legs then mine are way to weak to be jumping around on a step and my arms feel so flimsey.My whole body feels like jello.But that is just me, you may have to try it yourself and see how your body responds to it.
But like I said, maybe someone out there knows the scientific answer to which one is better for weight loss or for muscle strength.
There are equally good arguments either way - doing cardio and then weights, or vice versa; there is nothing I've seen in the literature that makes an absolute case one way or the other. I think it all boils down to personal preference.

Personally, all of my land workouts include a cardio component and a total-body strengthening component, and I vastly prefer to do cardio first, because I am thoroughly heated up (not just warmed up) by the end of my cardio routine, the muscles are much more infused with circulatory blood, I'm more limber, and I've re-oxygenated.

Just my $.02 -

It depends on your goals. If you want to increase strength, weights should go first, or preferably alone, with cardio at another time. If you want to focus on cardiovascular fitness, cardio should go first. To just maintain, you should do what ever you like. Perhaps you could even try alternating.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-14-02 AT 01:13PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi,
When I asked the exact same question to one of pro fitness ladies, I was told that I should lift first if the goal is to lose body fat. But seems like every one has their own theory when it comes to this question. From my personal experience, I used to teach an all-step class in a morning, before eating anyting else and I kept doing aerobics workout when I didn't teach a class (since I just don't have any energy to lift early in the morning) Months later, I've shed a lot of body fat and got really lean that people would notice.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-14-02 AT 04:10PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-14-02 AT 04:09 PM (Est)[/font]

Hi Lori

Good question I was wondering the same thang to. When I split my workout up as to say morning cardio, nights weights I have know problems. However, when doing cardio & weights one after the other; I tried this the other day weights than cardio, it didn't work for me I was to weak in my legs to step.

So as for this gal, its cardio first than weights, thanks for posting this.


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