Cardio Kicks

It is my least favorite of Cathe's kickboxing w/o's although I DO enjoy the intensity drills in CK. I'm just not a big fan of the actual kickboxing segment. IMO KM and KPC are MUCH better!

Just my 2 cents!:)
I enjoy this workout, but it is pretty high intensity. I modify several of the moves.

Have you tried CTX Kickbox? This one is really awesome!

Yeah Cardio kicks is high intensity and right now I have to modify some things. The ctx kickbox is wonderful! It is short but affective. But nothing compares to kpc and km.

CardioKicks is a different animal than the 2 you already have. It is put together more like an aerobics class with a kickbox feel, working with one 'combo' at a time then putting them altogether. I really enjoy CardioKicks but it uses up a lot of space. I used to have to modify quite a bit because of space issues but now that I have the space I enjoy the workout more. Great drills at the end. I just replaced my VHS with DVD and was pretty disappointed that CK is not very well chaptered, we've been spoiled by Cathe's later penchant for thorough chaptering and great premixes.:)

Take Care
I agree with the above poster that CK is a different animal than the other kickboxing workouts produced by Cathe.

I have always enjoyed CK...a good sweat followed by those intensity drills :)
I just got Cardio Kicks/Circuit Max 2 months ago. The power drills are great and I use them with the KM and KPC.

Circuit Max was a surprisingly intense workout. I haven't been a big fan of circuits until I did that.

I have noticed my legs have leaned out a lot from CK. I am not disappointed.

Hope that helps.
I don't like Cardio Kicks nearly as much as KPC (that workout is the best IMO), but I do really like it. I really love the intensity drills at the end and like others I will often just do the drills in KPC, Kickmax, and Cardio Kicks when I feel like doing drills and not combos. It definitely provides a good workout.:)

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