Cardio Kicks...


Is one FUN work-out!! I just did this for the first time today and it sooo kicked my butt! This one and Power Hour are my first Cathe videos (I'm a Firmie), and I'm gonna give Power Hour a whirl tomorrow! Anyway, just had to say how much I love that Cardio Kicks!
I like it too!
When I was learning cardio Kicks and PH I did them on alternate days for 4-5 weeks. They worked wonders on my legs!

Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself :)
Cardio Kicks is a favorite of mine and I have to do it once a week. I recently added Power Hour to my routine and am loving the changes. Be forwarned it's a toughie(and this comes from someone who's been weight training heavily for 13 years! :eek:)
Have fun !! Susan weren't even kidding that Power Hour is a toughie! I did this for the first time today and went light...I'm STILL gonna feel it tomorrow...BIG time! :))

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