Cardio Kicks vs Tae Bo?


I've posted here before about having hamstring problems, and last night I did the Tae Bo II Advanced, and sure enough, I figured out why I have the problem. I could feel an uncomfortable sensation as I was doing some of the kicks. I don't know if it is just too fast for me or age taking its toll, but it was enough for me to try something else, so I ordered Cardio Kicks this morning. Has anyone else had difficulties or injuries with these new Tae Bo workouts, and what do you think of Cardio Kicks? I've even considered the Powerstrike tapes, but they aren't on DVD yet, although the company told me they plan on putting a new one out on DVD in a couple of months. Anyway, I'd appreciate your opinions. Thanks, and have a great day!

Lori :)
Hey Lori,
I think you made the best decision to order Cardio Kicks. It is one of my favorites. I love kickboxing altogether. I have done and have every possible Tae-bo tape there is, but I found that since I have added Powerstrike Mill. I and II, which I truly love (low impact) and Cardio Kicks, I rarely reach for Tae-bo anymore. I do like Tae-bo, but the moves are just too fast for me. I find that if I don't modify I usually pull a muscle. And I tend not to turn my foot the right way when doing the kicks, which can cause all sorts of pain. My twin sister was doing Tae-bo for along time and she finally stopped because she began having knee problems and continues to have pain. I have converted her to Cathe. Good luck and I definitely recommend Powerstrike. Amy Jo
I totally agree with Amy Jo. Tae Bo makes my knees ache b/c the kicks are just too fast. I was doing the Advanced Get Ripped series and rarely do it now. I get an equally if not more intense workout with Cardio Kicks and Powerstrike Millenium series...definitely worth the price. I also enjoy Aaron Lankford's Power Kicks which is slightly less intense, good for a lighter cardio/kickbox day.

I did both Cardio Kicks and Advanced Tae Bo (get ripped) this week so the differences are fresh in my mind. Both were good, but Cardio Kicks is much more wisely planned and uses better body mechanics. With tae bo you have to use your judgement on every move and decide if performing it the way the cast does will leave you with a joint injury or not. Basically Cathe is looking out for your long term well being, but with Billy you have to look out for yourself. I still like the Billy workout though and will continue using it, modified. I liked what it did for my abs.
I am gonna be the odd person out on this thread, but I LIKE Taebo - have been doing it for 2-1/2 years and have NEVER had an injury from doing it. I made sure I did the instructional tapes very thoroughly, and have never looked back.

I only do it once a week, so I don't get overuse injuries. I rotate Taebo tapes (4) with Cardio Kicks, by the way. I find that Taebo has more kicks, which is what I especially like.

This is just an opinion, not words written in stone anywhere.
Oooooh, Honeybunch.....

I'm glad you said that!! I recently traded a Cathe tape for a Get Ripped Advanced II tape! AND, I traded Cardio Kicks for another kickboxing tape. The reason being, Cardio Kicks takes up WAY TOO MUCH room in my workout area. I have to modify entirely too much for my tolerance level! Also, Cardio Kicks is just TOO HI/LO for me. I cannot handle Cathe's hi/lo. It really kills my body. I can do the hi/lo in the CTX tapes, though. Probably because it doesn't last as long. CK is just too long for me to endure the hi/lo. <sigh> What's my point?? Uhhhh.....ummmm.....OH!! It's that I have only done Billy's Tae Bo (original tapes) once, and thought it wasn't "really" a workout! LOL Now that I discovered Powerstrike Milleniums, I'm going to get more kickboxing in my rotations! (After I finish the current Cathe's 16-week Maximum Weight Loss Rotation :-jumpy)
So, I'm glad you really like that tape because I don't want to have to trade it before using it! :)

RE: Oooooh, Honeybunch.....

I'm with Honeybunch on Tae Bo, I have only recently discovered them, even though I'd heard of them for years, and now I do them once/week at least, sometimes twice/week. I LOVE a good, sweat producing workout, and Billy delivers that for me each time! :)

I think the key to Tae Bo or really any video is to make it work for you. Modify where and when needed. I didn't have to injure my knees to figure out that "turbo speed" kicking might cause me some discomfort, so when he speed kicks, I do my own 8 count in normal speed, and we still finish at the same time! :)


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